
API Examples for the most common use-cases related to products in Marketplacer, querying & updating products.

How to query products

In this example we take you through how to query product data from Marketplacer

How to work with Advert Vetting

In this article we take you through how Advert vetting works, examine the Advert object fields that will be impacted at each stage of the flow, and work with the API calls that can be used to automate the workflow.

How to work with Catalog Rules

In this article we take you through how Catalog Rules work and work with the API calls that can be used to automate the workflow.

How to manage products using GQL

In this example we take you through how to create and update products

Updating Adverts (Products)

In this example we take you through how to update existing adverts (aka Products) using the Operator API

How to update option values

In this example you will learn how to update the option values for an existing advert or variant.

How to use Golden Products

In this how to guide we discuss what are Golden Products and how to manipulate them using the Operator API

How to work with Product Images

In this article we look specifically at working with product (advert) images, both in terms of attaching images to products as well as querying them.

How to Update Products using GQL - Legacy

In this example we take you through how to create a product