How to manage sellers

In this example we take you through how to: create and update sellers using the Operator API

What you’ll learn

In this article we’ll use the Operator API to manage users, specifically you’ll learn:

  • Use Cases for managing sellers via the API
  • Core concepts specific to sellers
  • The queries and mutations you can use to create and update sellers

Use Case

Sellers are a core concept in Marketplacer, indeed without them, you would not have a marketplace. Sellers are the primary vehicle by which products are listed for sale on the marketplace, so ensuring you have a large number of high quality sellers is important to the success of your marketplace.

Having a low-friction way to onboard sellers is therefore critical, and employing an API driven approach to onboarding can aid in this, perhaps by allowing you to integrate into other systems you already operate or by building a new sign-up app to facilitate new seller registrations.

In this article we detail how you can use the Operator API to manage seller creation and updates.

Core Seller Concepts

The core concepts listed below are by no means exhaustive, but are the most crucial ideas to understand when starting out with managing sellers via the AIP.

  • Sellers can be created in 2 configurations:
    • PROSPECTIVE: A Seller entity is created in Marketplacer but they are limited in what they can do, e.g. they cannot list products for sale. Prospective sellers are those that have typically expressed an interest in selling on your marketplace but still have some outstanding requirements to meet before they can fully participate.
    • RETAILER: A seller that can perform the full range of seller operations, including the ability to create and ultimately sell products on the marketplace
    • You can move sellers between these states using the API
  • Sellers will have 1 primary user account attached to them, but secondary users can be created

API Prerequisites

Before we launch into the API examples, there are some points of note before we begin:

Creating Sellers

The sellerCreate mutation is used to create sellers, an example is given below:

mutation SellerCreate($input: SellerCreateMutationInput!) {
 sellerCreate(input: $input) {
  seller {
  errors {

We pass in the following variable set to create a Seller, (for the full list of attributes that you can supply to sellerCreate please refer to the reference docs.)

SellerCreate Variables

  "input": {
    "attributes": {
      "accountType": "RETAILER",
      "businessName": "ACMEE Corp.",
      "legalBusinessName": "ACMEE Corp. Pty Ltd",
      "metadata": [
          "key": "BusinessFoundedIn",
          "value": "1998"
      "emailCc": "",
      "phone": "0405555666",
      "address": {
        "address": "146 Buckhurst Street",
        "country": {
          "code": "AU"
        "postcode": "3000",
        "state": {
          "name": "Victoria"
      "user": {
        "firstName": "John",
        "surname": "Doe",
        "emailAddress": ""

Running this will give us the following:

  "data": {
    "sellerCreate": {
      "seller": {
        "id": "U2VsbGVyLTU="
      "errors": null,
      "status": 200

Create Seller

We now have a Seller Account created with 1 user on your Marketplacer instance.

Updating Sellers

Updating sellers may be necessary from time to time, e.g.:

  • Allowing the seller to create and use their own shipping rules
  • Add more metadata to the Seller

In order to update a seller we’ll use the sellerUpdate mutation, an example of this is shown below where want to allow this Seller to use their own shipping rules and add more metadata:

mutation SellerUpdate($input: SellerUpdateMutationInput!) {
	sellerUpdate(input: $input) {
		seller {
		errors {

We pass in the following variable set to create a Seller, (for the full list of attributes that you can supply to sellerUpdate please refer to the reference docs.)

NOTE: We need to supply a valid seller ID for the seller we want to update. In this case we’re using the id from the previous mutation. If you want to get a full list of sellers and their ids you can query for this information.

SellerUpdate Variables

  "input": {
    "sellerId": "U2VsbGVyLTY2MDEzNg==",
    "attributes": {
      "marketplaceShippingRulesEnabled" : false,
      "metadata": [
          "key": "Member Status",
          "value": "Gold"

Running this will give us the following:

  "data": {
    "sellerUpdate": {
      "seller": {
        "id": "U2VsbGVyLTU="
      "errors": null,
      "status": 200

Update Seller