How to add metadata

In this example we take you through how to add metadata while within the Operator API

What you’ll learn

In this article you’ll learn about adding metadata to your orders, invoices and sellers, specifically:

  • Using orderCreate to create an order with metadata
  • Using updatedOrders or order to retrieve that metadata
  • Using metadataUpsert to add metadata to an existing order, invoice or seller

What is metadata and why would you use it

The metadata object allows you to add key-value pairs to the following object types:

  • order
  • invoice
  • seller

Its intended purpose is to allow you to define and use attributes that may not exist for that object in the default schema.

In this article we show you how to add metadata at the point of order creation using the orderCreate mutation. Additionally we show you how to add metadata to existing orders, invoices and sellers using the metadataUpsert mutation.

Note: the orderCreate mutation does allow you to manually create invoice objects, and therefore you can add metadata to the invoice at this point too, however we do not cover that use-case in this article.

Using orderCreate

An example orderCreate mutation is shown below with the metadata object being used to add 2 (example), keys:

  • createdBy
  • mode

      orderCreate(input: {
        order: {   
          firstName: "John"
          surname: "Doe"
          phone: "0405123456"
          emailAddress: ""
          billingFirstName: "John"
          billingSurname: "Doe"
          messageToSeller: "This is a test order on Wed 19th Feb"
          billingEmailAddress: ""
          address: {
            address: "1 Bourke Street"
              city: "Melbourne"
              country: {
                code: "AU"
              postcode: "3000"
              state: {
                name: "victoria"
          metadata: [{
            key: "createdBy"
            value: "ERP"
            key: "mode"
            value: "Real_Time"
          termsAndConditionsAccepted: true
        lineItems: [{             
          variantId: "VmFyaWFudC00ODE3"
          quantity: 1
          totalCents: 22500
          postageCents: 1000 

As you can see, you are able to create any number of key / value pairs as required.

Retrieving metadata

Returning this data via a GraphQL query is no more complex than any other, an example using the updatedOrders query is illustrated below, but the same syntax would be used for other queries referencing the order object:

      updatedOrders(updatedSince: "2021-02-19"){
        nodes {

Upserting on existing objects

In addition to adding metadata at the point of object creation, you can “upsert” metadata on existing objects. (Upserting is when you add/insert data when it doesn’t already exist, and update when it does).

The mutation shown below is straightforward, all you have to provide by way of inputs are:

  • The owner (ID) of the object (order, invoice or seller), that you want to work with
  • The key for the metadata
  • The value for the key

        {owner: "U2VsbGVyLTc4", key: "CreditRating", value: "Rubbish"})


The use of metadata as described in this article is intended to be used only within the context of the GraphQL API, i.e.:

  • The metadata is not accessible via the Markeptlacer Web frontend
  • The metadata is not available via the v2 (REST) API