
refundRequestRefund is used to approve the refund request

Key Information


Refund requests will either be approved or denied, in this case the refundRequestRefund mutation is used to approve the refund.

Further Points of Note

  • This mutation is only available to Operators


  • Operator API: Yes
  • Seller API: No


mutation approveRefundRequest{ refundRequestRefund( input: { refundRequestId: "UmVmdW5kUmVxdWVzdC01Mjk=" cashAmountCents: 34999 notes: [{ note: "refundRequestRefund API call" }] } ) { refundRequest { id status } errors { field messages } } }




Returns RefundRequestRefundMutationPayload

Error Responses

HTTP ErrorError MessageMeaning
401UnauthorizedYou don’t have access to the endpoint, likely Basic Authentication credentials are missing
401API Token has expiredYou don’t have access to the endpoint, likely that you are either not supplying an API Key, or the key you are supplying is invalid
200No object found for refundRequestId: <refundRequestId>The ID of the supplied refund request does not exist
200Can only mark a returned or processed RefundRequest as refundedYou have attempted to mark a refund request as refunded, when it was not in the RETURNED state

Further Reading