
The updatedOrders query allows you to filter orders by their updated date.

Key Information


The updatedOrders query allows operators to return orders updated since the provided timestamp. This can be useful when you want to sync order updates from Marketplacer to your connected integration.

Further Points of Note



  • Operator API: Yes
  • Seller API: No


query getOrderUpdatedSince{ updatedOrders( first: 10, after: null, updatedSince: "2021-06-23") { totalCount pageInfo{ hasNextPage endCursor } nodes { id legacyId createdAt updatedAt status externalIds { id key value } messageToSeller invoices { edges { node { id legacyId statusFlags updatedAt } } } externalIds { id key value } metadata { key value } } } }


updatedSinceISO8601DateTimeReturn orders updated since the provided time stamp
afterStringPagination cursor for moving through result set - more on pagination here
beforeStringNot in use - backwards pagination not supported
firstIntPagination page size - more on pagination here
lastIntNot in use - backwards pagination not supported


Returns UpdatedOrdersConnection

Error Responses

HTTP ErrorError MessageMeaning
401UnauthorizedYou don’t have access to the endpoint, likely Basic Authentication credentials are missing
401API Token has expiredYou don’t have access to the endpoint, likely that you are either not supplying an API Key, or the key you are supplying is invalid

Further Reading