How to work with Catalog Rules
3 minute read
What you’ll learn
- The high-level Catalog Rules flow
- Including where Catalog Rules sit in the overall product creation flow
What are Adverts?
In short, “Adverts” in Marketplacer are Products - it’s that simple!
So whenever we refer to Adverts we are simply referring to Products. In this article (and elsewhere on the docs site) we may use the terms Product and Advert interchangeably.
Advert will typically be used in relation to technical and API discussions (as that is the term used in these domains), whereas business and process focused conversations will most usually use the term Product.
The Product Creation Flow
Before looking at Catalog Rules in detail, it’s worth understanding where Catalog Rules sit in the overall context of product creation:
These steps can be summarized as follows:
Step | Optional | Purpose |
Create product via API | No | Mandatory step in creating products. Can be used in isolation of all other concepts. |
Catalog Rules | Yes | Used to specify one or more rules that can be checked automatically by Marketplacer to determine if a product is valid, (e.g. Length of product description, number of images etc.) |
Product Vetting | Yes | The “final” stage in approving a product for sale. Vetting will involve looking at elements of a product that are not covered by Catalog Rules. |
We will focus on Catalog Rules in the remainder of this article, for a more general end to end overview of product creation, please refer to the Product Creation Primer.
The Catalog Rules Flow
The Concept
An operator can create catalog rules to automate validation checks for seller’s product data prior to operator review (vetting).
These catalog rules are checked when a product is saved.
Products and variants can still be saved, but they cannot progress to operator vetting until the product and at least one published variant passes these checks.
This ensures
- Sellers get feedback quickly for any product that does not meet the validation checks.
- Operators are only vetting products that are known to meet the validation checks, which reduces the vetting workload for operators.
Graphql changes include the following:
- Query all catalog rules (operator or seller)
- Query catalog rule errors on the advert type (operator or seller)
- Query catalog rule errors on the variant type (operator or seller)
Worked Examples
The full advert creation process is described here, please refer to this for more detail.
Query Catalog Rules
query (
$first: Int,
$after: String,){
catalogRules (
first: $first,
after: $after,){
nodes {
pageInfo {
Query Catalog Rules for an Advert Type
query($id: ID!) {
node(id: $id) {
... on Advert {
catalogRulesErrors { fieldName errorMessage objectId }
Query Catalog Rules for a Variant Type
query($id: ID!) {
node(id: $id) {
... on Variant {
catalogRulesErrors { fieldName errorMessage objectId }