How to use Shipping Rules

In this example we take you through how to use Shipping Rules while within the Seller API

What you’ll learn

In this article you’ll learn about the Shipping Rules Engine, specifically:

  • What Shipping Rules are & who can use them
  • The primary objects that make up Shipping Rules
  • The queries and mutations that can be used to manage Shipping Rules

What are Shipping Rules?

Shipping Rules allow you to determine the rate you charge for a purchased item based on where you are going to send it (Shipping Zone) and an applicable Shipping Profile (e.g. Weight, size, delivery time slot etc.). The table below summarizes the entities that make up a Shipping Rule, along with some other information:

EntityPurposeCreated ByGraphQL Object
Shipping RateThe cost (rate) that can be applied by the rule. You can define multiple rates.Operators (Admins) or SellersShippingRate
Shipping ZoneA zone is made up of a list of Zip or Post codes that defines a geographic area.Operators (Admins) or SellersShippingZone
Shipping ProfileDetermined by the Operator only, a Shipping Profile will typically relate to the size, weight or delivery time slot for the purchased item, but can be “anything”. Shipping Profiles are defined on the Advert VariantsOperators (Admins) onlyShippingProfile
Shipping RuleComprised of: Shipping Rates, Shipping Zones and Shipping ProfilesOperators (Admins) or SellersShippingOption

Object Relationships

To further detail how Shipping Rules (referred to as Shipping Options in the GraphQL API) are constructed, it can be useful to look at the relationships between the primary objects:

Shipping Rule Relationships

While all the relationships are important, the key call out from this diagram is the relationship between: variants <-> shipping profiles <-> shipping rules. In essence:

  • The marketplace operator defines the Shipping Profiles E.g.:
    • Small (<= 5kg)
    • Medium (> 5kg <= 10Kg)
    • Large (> 10Kg)
  • Operators and Sellers can then create Shipping Rules, that encompass:
    • The Shipping Profile
    • The Shipping Rates
    • The Shipping Zones
  • When sellers create products, they can assign a Shipping Profile to the product variants
  • Then when variants are selected for purchase you can determine the relevant shipping rules for that variant (noting that there may be multiple shipping rules for each variant)

Creating Shipping Rules

Step 1: Retrieving Shipping Profiles

As detailed above, it is the shipping profile that acts as the linchpin between the variant and the relevant shipping rules (or “options”). However it is only the marketplace operator that can create shipping profiles, even if as a seller you are going to create your own zones, rates and rules.

For the example we are going to follow in this article, we’ll assume that the operator has already created the following profiles.

  • Small (<= 5kg)
  • Medium (> 5kg <= 10Kg)
  • Large (> 10Kg)

You can query the shipping profiles available to you by using the following query:

query {
  shippingProfiles(first: 10) {
    pageInfo {
    nodes {

In this case this should return the following:

  "data": {
    "shippingProfiles": {
      "totalCount": 3,
      "pageInfo": {"hasNextPage": false, "endCursor": "Mw"},
      "nodes": [
        {"id": "U2hpcHBpbmdQcm9maWxlLTc=", "name": "Large (> 10Kg)"      },
        {"id": "U2hpcHBpbmdQcm9maWxlLTY=", "name": "Medium (>5Kg <=10Kg)"},
        {"id": "U2hpcHBpbmdQcm9maWxlLTU=", "name": "Small (<= 5Kg)"      }

Step 2: Creating Shipping Zones

Next up we’ll create some shipping zones, that are one or more zip /postal codes. The operator can then use this data at checkout and cross-reference with the customer’s delivery address to help determine the appropriate shipping rate.

In this example we are going to use the shippingZoneCreateOrUpdate mutation to create the following shipping zones:

  • Zone A: Metro Springfield
  • Zone B: Rural Springfield
  • Zone C: Metro New New York
  • Zone D: Rural New New York

Zip / Post Codes

For each zone we need to provide a list of zip / post codes that we will provide as a Base64 encoded csv.

An example csv file for Zone A - Metro Springfield in its non-encoded format is shown below:


Base64 encoding this file will result in the following string: UG9zdGNvZGUKMTAwMDEKMTAwMDIKMTAwMDMKMTAwMDQ=

With this data we can now call shippingZoneCreateOrUpdate

mutation {
    input: {
      attributes: {
        name: "Zone A: Metro Springfield"
        description: "Areas of Springfield that are served by the monorail."
        spreadsheet: {
          filename: "metro_springfield.csv"
  ) {
    shippingZone {
      seller {
    errors {

For brevity, the above example is not employing variables to pass data to the mutation which is the recommended approach. The API collections follow this method.

The resulting return payload for this mutation call is shown below:

  "data": {
    "shippingZoneCreateOrUpdate": {
      "clientMutationId": null,
      "shippingZone": {
        "id": "U2hpcHBpbmdab25lLTg=",
        "name": "Zone A: Metro Springfield",
        "postcodes": [
        "seller": {
          "businessName": "Cell Phones 4U"
      "errors": null

We’ll repeat this mutation call for the remaining 3 zones.

If you get the following error when you try to create the shipping zone:

  "data": {
    "shippingZoneCreateOrUpdate": {
      "clientMutationId": null,
      "shippingZone": null,
      "errors": [
          "field": "",
          "messages": [
            "Marketplace wide shipping rules enabled for account"

It means that you have elected to use the marketplace wide rules. You can turn this setting off in the Seller Portal, under the “Shipping” menu, selecting “Shipping Rules” then toggling the “Use marketplace name defined Shipping Rules” option.

NOTE: Again you should confirm with your marketplace seller onboarding team that seller-define rules can be used before toggling off this option.

Using the shippingZones query, you can check to see that we have created all zones correctly:

query getShippingZOnes {
  shippingZones(first: 2, after: null) {
    pageInfo {
    nodes {
      seller {

This should return something similar to the following, (noting that in the above query we requested the first 2 shipping zones only):

	"data": {
		"shippingZones": {
			"totalCount": 8,
			"pageInfo": {
				"hasNextPage": true,
				"endCursor": "Mg"
			"nodes": [
					"id": "U2hpcHBpbmdab25lLTg=",
					"name": "Zone A: Metro Springfield",
					"description": "Areas of Springfield that are served by the monorail.",
					"postcodes": [
					"seller": {
						"id": "U2VsbGVyLTI=",
						"businessName": "Cell Phones 4U"
					"id": "U2hpcHBpbmdab25lLTU=",
					"name": "Zone 1 - Metro Gotham",
					"description": "Areas of Gotham served by the metro rail network",
					"postcodes": [
					"seller": null

You can see from the above response that the marketplace operator has been creating shipping zones as well, in this case Zone 1 - Metro Gotham, you can determine this because the seller object has returned null for this zone.

Step 3: Creating Shipping Rates

The next step is to determine the Shipping Rates we want to have, in this example we are going to have 4:

  • Standard Metro - $5
  • Express Metro - $10
  • Standard Rural - $10
  • Express Rural - $20

Calling the shippingRateCreateOrUpdate mutation in the following way, we can create our first rate:

mutation createShippingRates {
    input: { attributes: { name: "Standard Metro", rate: "5" } }
  ) {
    errors {
    shippingRate {

This will return the following payload:

  "data": {
    "shippingRateCreateOrUpdate": {
      "errors": null,
      "shippingRate": {
        "id": "U2hpcHBpbmdSYXRlLTE2",
        "name": "Standard Metro",
        "rateCents": 500

We’ll repeat this mutation call for the remaining 4 rates.

Using the shippingRates query, you can check to see that we have created all rates correctly:

query getShippingRates {
  shippingRates(first: 4, after: null) {
    nodes {
      seller {

This should return something similar to the following:

  "data": {
    "shippingRates": {
      "nodes": [
          "name": "Standard Rural",
          "id": "U2hpcHBpbmdSYXRlLTE5",
          "rateCents": 1000,
          "seller": {
            "businessName": "Cell Phones 4U",
            "id": "U2VsbGVyLTI="
          "name": "Express Rural",
          "id": "U2hpcHBpbmdSYXRlLTE4",
          "rateCents": 2000,
          "seller": {
            "businessName": "Cell Phones 4U",
            "id": "U2VsbGVyLTI="
          "name": "Express Metro",
          "id": "U2hpcHBpbmdSYXRlLTE3",
          "rateCents": 1000,
          "seller": {
            "businessName": "Cell Phones 4U",
            "id": "U2VsbGVyLTI="
          "name": "Standard Metro",
          "id": "U2hpcHBpbmdSYXRlLTE2",
          "rateCents": 500,
          "seller": {
            "businessName": "Cell Phones 4U",
            "id": "U2VsbGVyLTI="

Step 4: Define your Shipping Rules

This is the step where we bring it altogether and create some Shipping Rules using:

  • Shipping Profiles
  • Shipping Zones
  • Shipping Rates

We are going to create the following rules

Standard MetroSmall (<= 5Kg)
Medium (> 5kg <= 10Kg)
Large (> 10Kg)
- Zone A - Metro Springfield
- Zone C - Metro New New York
Standard Metro
Express MetroSmall (<= 5Kg)
Medium (> 5kg <= 10Kg)
Large (> 10Kg)
- Zone A - Metro Springfield
- Zone C - Metro New New York
Express Metro
Standard RuralSmall (<= 5Kg)
Medium (> 5kg <= 10Kg)
Large (> 10Kg)
- Zone B - Rural Springfield
- Zone D - Rural New New York
Standard Rural
Express RuralSmall (<= 5Kg)
Medium (> 5kg <= 10Kg)
Large (> 10Kg)
- Zone B - Rural Springfield
- Zone D - Rural New New York
Express Rural

You can see from these rules that this seller is offering rates based only on the location (zone), and that their rules are not driven by the profiles set up by the operator which are based around package size. You could of course take this dimension into account alongside zones, but this would mean a much larger rules set.

To create our first rule (Standard Metro) we can call the shippingOptionUpsert mutation in the following way:

mutation {
    input: {
      attributes: {
        name: "Standard Metro"
        description: "Flat standard delivery charge within metro areas for any size package"
        shippingZoneIds: [
        shippingRateIds: ["U2hpcHBpbmdSYXRlLTE2"]
        shippingProfileIds: [
  ) {
    errors {
    shippingOption {

This will return a payload as follows:

  "data": {
    "shippingOptionUpsert": {
      "errors": null,
      "shippingOption": {
        "id": "U2hpcHBpbmdPcHRpb24tMTQ=",
        "name": "Standard Metro"

We’ll repeat this mutation call for the remaining 3 shipping options / rules.

Using the shippingOptions query, you can check to see that we have created all rates correctly:

query {
  shippingOptions(first: 1, after: null) {
    pageInfo {
    nodes {
      shippingRates(first: 10) {
        nodes {
      shippingProfiles(first: 10) {
        nodes {
      shippingZones(first: 10) {
        nodes {
      seller {

This should return something similar to the following (note we’ve only show the first page of shipping option data given the size of the payload):

  "data": {
    "shippingOptions": {
      "totalCount": 8,
      "pageInfo": {
        "endCursor": "MQ",
        "hasNextPage": true
      "nodes": [
          "id": "U2hpcHBpbmdPcHRpb24tMTQ=",
          "name": "Standard Metro",
          "type": "seller",
          "shippingRates": {
            "nodes": [
                "id": "U2hpcHBpbmdSYXRlLTE2",
                "name": "Standard Metro",
                "rateCents": 500
          "shippingZones": {
            "nodes": [
                "id": "U2hpcHBpbmdab25lLTk=",
                "name": "Zone A: Metro Springfield",
                "postcodes": [
                "id": "U2hpcHBpbmdab25lLTEx",
                "name": "Zone C: Metro New New York",
                "postcodes": [
          "seller": {
            "id": "U2VsbGVyLTI=",
            "businessName": "Cell Phones 4U"

Step 5: Applying Shipping Profiles to Products

Having set up our Shipping Rules we now want to start to associate them to our products, either when we create them, or update them.

In the example that follows we are going to use the variantUpdate mutation to update an existing product (aka advert) variant with a shipping profile id.

For a full tutorial on how to create products please refer to this article.

mutation {
    input: {
      variantId: "VmFyaWFudC0yOQ=="
      attributes: { shippingProfileId: "U2hpcHBpbmdQcm9maWxlLTc=" }
  ) {
    variant {
      shippingProfile {
      shippingOptions(first: 10) {
        nodes {

This should return the following:

  "data": {
    "variantUpdate": {
      "variant": {
        "id": "VmFyaWFudC0yOQ==",
        "shippingProfile": {
          "id": "U2hpcHBpbmdQcm9maWxlLTc=",
          "name": "Large (> 10Kg)"
        "shippingOptions": {
          "totalCount": 4,
          "nodes": [
              "name": "Express Rural"
              "name": "Standard Metro"
              "name": "Express Metro"
              "name": "Standard Rural"

Here you can see that all 4 shipping rules could be applicable to this product (again the size or profile of this product isn’t really filtering out anything). It would then be for the operator to:

  • Determine the applicable zone (based on the customers delivery address)
    • E.g. this would filter down options to say: Standard Metro and Express Metro
  • The customer could then determine if they wanted standard or express shipping

For more detail on how shipping rules can be consumed by the operator at the point of checkout you can refer to the operator guide for shipping rules here.