How to query using nodes

In this example we take you through how to query using nodes using the Seller API

What you’ll learn

In this article you’ll learn:

  • How to use node and nodes to query with GraphQL
  • Why you would do this

“Node” in the context of this article refers to the “node” concept in graph theory, not the popular JavaScript framework!

Why query with Node?

The Marketplacer GraphQL API provides a number of predefined queries that address the most common use-cases when attempting to build an integration into Marketplacer, for example:

QueryWhat does it do
advertSearchProvides the most flexible way to search for published adverts using a number of criteria, e.g.: maxPrice, Seller Id, updatedSince etc.
allAdvertsGives us the ability to search for published, unpublished and deleted adverts
textQuerySuggestionsAllows us to query for Brand and Categorization (Taxon) suggestions based on free-text input

The full list of queries is available in our full documentation.

However, there may be instances where you need to retrieve objects, (e.g. country, prototype, shipment etc.), where there isn’t a predefined query, in this case you may be able to use the node or nodes construct.

This type of query is suitable when:

  • The object (e.g. invoice, lineItem etc.) “implements” node
  • You want to query based on the object ID(s)

Which objects implement node?

To see which objects implement node, and are therefore available query using “node”, we need to perform an introspection query. An introspection query, as the name suggests, allows us to “query ourself” to return some kind of meta-information – in this case a list of objects that implement node.

The query is as follows:

  __type(name: "Node") {
    possibleTypes {

This should yield results similar to the following, (at least using the Marketplacer API!):

Introspection Query

Query using node

Armed with:

  • The list of objects that implement node
  • The IDs of the objects we want to search for

We can query for either individual objects (node) or multiple objects (nodes) as shown in the examples below:

Node example (Query an Order)

  node(id: "T3JkZXItMTAwMzA="){
    ... on Order{

Examining the query further, specifically the highlighted section:

Node Query

You’ll note that we:

  • Use a fragment to specify that we want to query on an order
  • We specify the __typename as a return attribute in our query, this is somewhat redundant but helps illustrate the point, as shown in the query results below:

Node Query

Nodes example (Query Invoices)

  nodes(ids: [
    ... on Invoice{