Webhooks Overview

Here we will have an overview on webhooks and what they provide.

In this section we cover:

  • What are webhooks
  • When to use webhooks
  • Overview of how webhooks are implemented at Marketplacer

What are webhooks?

Webhooks is a generic term used to describe an integration pattern where an information consumer registers its interest in receiving “real-time” notifications from an information provider. It places the onus of providing updated information with the information provider, with the information consumer acting in a more passive role as a listener, (at least initially - see When to use webhooks for further discussion).

It avoids the potentially less efficient pattern of polling, where an information consumer repeatedly requests, (most usually redundant), information updates from the information provider.

Both polling and event driven, (webhook), approaches are illustrated below.

Polling Example

Polling Example

Webhook Example

Webhook Example

When to use webhooks

From an information consumption perspective, webhooks are a good integration approach when:

  • You want to avoid polling / batch updates
  • You need real-time / just-in-time updates on changes to data

However using webhooks does come with some additional considerations, most especially as an information consumer you’ll need to be prepared to process webhook events in an on-demand, ad-hoc basis, which is potentially more complex than processing less infrequent batch queries.

Ultimately the approach you take will be driven by the underlying use cases you’re solving for. For example if you want to notify your customers that an order has shipped in real-time, then webhooks would be a good choice. If on the other hand you just need to understand the total number of orders shipped at the close of business, a batch query approach may solve that need more effectively.

How we use webhooks at Marketplacer

Webhook notifications can be triggered against Marketplacer entities including, but not limited to:

  • Adverts (Products)
  • Invoices
  • Refund Requests
  • Shipments
  • Variants (Product Variants)
  • Seller

When registering a webhook against any of these entities, users can specify, (via a GraphQL query), what payload they would like returned in relation to that entity, as well as any related entities.

So for example, you can register a webhook against all Invoices, but can also choose to retrieve the associated data for:

  • The parent Order (Operators only)
  • Invoice Amendments
  • Refund Requests
  • Shipments
  • Invoice Line Items

Refer to GraphQL Voyager to gain an understanding of our entity relationships.

The (sort of) technical bit

Our webhooks work as follows:

  • We Generate a HTTP POST Request to a HTTP(S) endpoint of your choosing
  • HTTP Body supplied as JSON, which is the result of executing a GraphQL query specified when registering the webhook
  • Additional HTTP headers can be configured as required

For a step by step guide on how to set up and work with webhooks in Marketplacer, please go to the Getting Started Guide