
Playbooks provide more detailed end to end overviews of important Marketplacer concepts, they often tie together multiple ideas in to the one thread.

Technical Fundamentals

Marketplacer’s Technical Fundamentals are a high level guide for Partners and Team Members in a technical role to learn how to integrate with Marketplacer.

Connected Integration Blueprint

Planning and design considerations when building a Connected Integration as an Operator

Connected Integration Example Build into commercetools

Build an example Connected Integration into commercetools by setting up simple Product & Order flows.

REST to GraphQL Seller API Migration

Guidance for Sellers and Channel Managers on how to move from the REST-based Legacy Seller API to the GraphQL Seller API when building integrations into Marketplacer

GraphQL Best Practice Guide

This quick guide introduces you to some best practices that you should employ when building solutions that consume a GraphQL API.

API Key Rotation

This quick guide introduces you to some best practices that you should employ when designing an API Key Rotation policy.