commercetools Example

Build an example Connected Integration into commercetools by setting up simple Product & Order flows.

Start Here

Start here to understand the solution we are going to build along with the suggested environment setup.

1. Webhook Setup

Setup a product (aka “advert”) webhook that will emit an event every time a new product is created.

2. HTTP Azure Function

Create an Azure HTTP trigger function that will act as our webhook endpoint and create a product in commercetools

3. commercetools Composable API

Exploration of the commercetool composable api that we’ll use to create products in commercetools.

4. Azure Service Bus

Set up and configure an Azure Service Bus instance that is used to transport new order events from commercetools to Marketplacer

5. commercetools Subscription

Create a commercetools Subscription that will emit Order Created messages that will traverse through to Marketplacer

6. Service Bus Azure Function

Create our 2nd Azure Function to pick up Order Created messages from the Azure Service Bus and cascade to Marketplacer.