2. HTTP Azure Function

Create an Azure HTTP trigger function that will act as our webhook endpoint and create a product in commercetools

Build Outcome

By the end of this section we will have:

  • Created an Azure HTTP Trigger Function
  • Tested the function locally to ensure it triggers
  • Deployed the function to Azure


Create an Azure HTTP Trigger Function

Login to the Azure portal and:

1: Select Create a resource

Create a resource

2: Search for “Azure Function” and select the Function App by Microsoft:

Azure Function

3: Click Create:

Function App Selection

4. Complete the fields in the Create Function App form, ensuring that you select your own suitable values for the following fields:

  • Resource Group
  • Function App Name
  • Region

Creating a Function

5: You can choose to move through the rest of the function set up or select Review + create as the default values are sufficient for this tutorial.

Review and Create

6: When you’re happy with the configuration, click create and Azure will start to provision the service.

Create Function

7: When the deployment is complete, click Go to resource to ensure the service is running:

Go to resource

The resource should be in the running state:

Running resource

Create an Azure Function Project in VS Code

8: Open a new session of VS Code, 1. select the Azure Logo, 2. click the Create Function.. button:

Create the function

Navigate to a suitable project folder location for your function (you will need to create this manually if a suitable location does not exist), and select it.

9. Select C# as the language

C Sharp

10. Select the .NET 6 Runtime

.NET runtime

11. Select the HTTP Trigger

Http Trigger

12: Keep the default name for the trigger function

Http Trigger Name

13: Keep the default namespace


14: Select Function for access rights

Access Rigths

15: Open the project in the current window

Project Location

Update local project settings

16: Open the local.settings.json file and add the following 4 configuration attributes to it:

  • ct_api_endpoint - The domain name of your commercetools API instance
  • ct_project_key - Your commercetools project key
  • ct_bearer_token - The API Session token, we’ll obtain this in the next section
  • ct_product_type_id - The product type of the product we’ll create, we’ll obtain this in the next section

Your file should look something like this:

  "IsEncrypted": false,
  "Values": {
    "AzureWebJobsStorage": "",
    "ct_api_endpoint" : "https://<your region>.gcp.commercetools.com",
    "ct_project_key": "<Your Project Key>",
    "ct_bearer_token": "<To be supplied later>",
    "ct_product_type_id" : "<To be supplied later>"

This file is used to store the local config elements that will allow us to make a call to the commercetools API, some points to note:

  • The local.settings.json file is for local config only, and should not be exposed anywhere outside your local development environment, e.g. GitHub. If there isn’t already an entry for it in the project .gitignore file then you should add one.
  • We will need to replicate these configuration elements in our Azure function
  • In the interests of time we will not be implementing a full authentication flow, instead we’ll be generating the API session (aka Bearer) token manually.

Create a Data Transfer Object (DTO)

17: Create a new folder in the root of our project called Dtos and add a new file to this folder called CTProductCreateDto.cs, your project should look like this:

New Dto Folder

We’ll use a Data Transfer Object (DTO) object to construct the body payload sent to the commercetools Product Create API.

18: Add the following code to the CTProductCreateDto.cs file and save:

using Newtonsoft.Json;

namespace CreateProductCT.Dtos
    public partial class CTProductCreateDto
        public Name Name { get; set; }

        public ProductType ProductType { get; set; }

        public Name Slug { get; set; }

    public partial class Name
        public string En { get; set; }

    public partial class ProductType
        public string Id { get; set; }

This is pretty much the minimal payload we can supply to the commercetools API that allows us to create a product, we cover this in more detail in the next section.

Add a Create Product Method

19: In the HttpTrigger1.cs file add a new method to the HttpTrigger1 class:

public static async Task<bool> CreateCommerceToolsProductAsync(CTProductCreateDto prod)
  var httpContent = new StringContent(

  HttpClient client = new HttpClient();

  client.DefaultRequestHeaders.Add("Authorization", $"Bearer {Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("ct_bearer_token")}");

  var response = await client.PostAsync($"{Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("ct_api_endpoint")}/{Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("ct_project_key")}/products", httpContent);

    return true;
  return false;


You will also need to include the following namespaces at the top of the file:

  • using CreateProductCT.Dtos;
  • using System.Net.Http;
  • using System.Text;

The CreateCommerceToolsProductAsync method will accept a DTO and:

  • Creates a StringContent object with a serialized instance of the DTO
  • Adds an Authorization header to the HttpClient that we have created
    • Noting that it reads the (as yet undefined) bearer token value from local config
  • Makes a POST request to our API endpoint
  • Determines if the call was successful or not and passed back the result

Update the Run method

20: Remaining in HttpTrigger1 class update the Run method to reflect the following:

public static async Task<IActionResult> Run(
  [HttpTrigger(AuthorizationLevel.Function, "get", "post", Route = null)] HttpRequest req, ILogger log)

  //Start of New code
    if(req.Headers["AuthKey"] != "marketplacerletmein")
      return new OkObjectResult("Good try...");
    log.LogInformation("C# HTTP trigger function processed a request.");

    var payload = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<dynamic>(await new StreamReader(req.Body).ReadToEndAsync());
    Console.WriteLine($"---> Payload ID: {payload.id}");

    if (payload.event_name != "create")
      return new OkObjectResult("Not a create event");

    Console.WriteLine($"---> Product Title: {payload.payload.data.node.title}");

    var newProduct = new CTProductCreateDto{
      Name = new Name{ En = payload.payload.data.node.title},
      ProductType = new ProductType{Id = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("ct_product_type_id")},
      Slug = new Name{ En = payload.payload.data.node.legacyId}
    //if(await CreateCommerceToolsProductAsync(newProduct))
    //    return new OkObjectResult("Product Created");
    //return new BadRequestObjectResult("Something went wrong...");

    return new OkResult();

    //End of new code

Points to note:

  • We check for a header key of AuthKey and validate the value, make sure you update the value (and check the key name) to whatever you configured in your Marketplacer webhook header.
    • If authorization fails, then we still send a HTTP 200 result as we don’t want Marketplacer to resend the webhook. See note below for more detail on this point.
  • We deserialize the body using the Newtonsoft Json library, note we are making use of dynamic which means that our deserialized object is not typed.
  • We check to see if this is a create event and return Http 200 if not as we don’t want Marketplacer to retry sending this webhook event. See note below for more detail on this point.
  • We construct a DTO based on the Webhook payload
  • We’d usually make a call to CreateCommerceToolsProductAsyncto attempt product creation in commercetools, this is commented out for now and we just return ok.

Run a local instance of the function

21: In VS Code with our function project open press F5 to run up a local instance of our function, give it a minute or two and you should see something similar to the following:

Locally Running Function

We now have a local endpoint that we can test with.

Test local endpoint

22: Using an API client of your choice (Insomnia, Postman, cURL etc.) we can simulate a Webhook call directly to this local endpoint, you will need to make a POST request and attach a body and headers as follows:


  "id": "V2ViaG9va0V2ZW50LTI=",
  "event_name": "create",
  "payload": {
    "data": {
      "node": {
        "id": "QWR2ZXJ0LTEwMDAwMjU5OA==",
        "title": "Platinum T-Shirt",
        "legacyId": 100002598,
        "variants": {
          "nodes": [
              "id": "VmFyaWFudC0zNjU3",
              "sku": "cp4u-0001",
              "countOnHand": 1000
        "__typename": "Advert",
        "description": "This is a great T-Shirt"


  • Content-Type : application\json
  • AuthKey : your token

An example call using cURL is shown below:

curl -XPOST 
-H 'AuthKey: <your token>' 
-H "Content-type: application/json" 
-d '{"id":"V2ViaG9va0V2ZW50LTI5","event_name":"create","payload":{"data":{"node":{"id":"QWR2ZXJ0LTEwMDAwMjU5NA==","title":"Platinum T-Shirt","legacyId":100002599,"variants":{"nodes":[{"id":"VmFyaWFudC0zNjQ4","sku":"cp4u-0001","countOnHand":1000}]},"__typename":"Advert","description":"This is a great phone"}}}}' 'http://localhost:7071/api/HttpTrigger1'

Having made a direct call, we should see output similar to the following:

Testing Locally Running Function

When you’ve finished testing, press Shift + F5 to disconnect the local running instance.

Deploy function code to Azure

23: Back in VS Code, select the Azure icon, then Select Deploy to function app…:

Deploy to Azure

24: Select the Azure Function name that we created:

Select Function

Follow the remaining on-screen prompts to complete the deploy

25: When the deployment completes you should see the following message, click on Upload settings to push our local config up to Azure:

Deploy Complete

26: Back over in our Azure function, click Configuration and ensure that the highlighted configuration elements have been pushed to Azure:

Check Config

Although not necessary, you can check the values that have been populated by clicking on the appropriate value.