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Introduction to the playbook, what it covers, (what it does not cover!), and what you will learn.
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About this Playbook
This playbook is intended to assist existing users of the Legacy Marketplacer Seller API (which is REST-based) migrate to the strategic Seller API solution (which is GraphQL based). It could also prove to be a useful resource for those users thinking about building a new Seller integration into Marketplacer but have limited experience of the GraphQL API design pattern.
What we will cover
- The high-level fundamentals of the REST and GraphQL approaches
- The differences and similarities between them
- Why Marketplacer is focusing on GraphQL
- Mapping the REST endpoints to the equivalent GraphQL queries and mutations
- Mapping the fields returned from the REST endpoints to those returned by the GraphQL queries
By the end of the playbook you should have a good understanding of how to use GraphQL Seller API to achieve the same outcomes as the REST equivalent.
This playbook will not…
- Advocate that “GraphQL is better than REST”
- This has no useful purpose and is kind of nonsensical anyway…
- Be a full tutorial on GraphQL, while we will cover the relevant Marketplacer GraphQL queries and mutations, as well as some basic GraphQL fundamentals, this playbook is not a full tutorial on working with GraphQL.
- Cover how webhooks can be used to build Seller Integrations
- While webhooks are available to Sellers, and are a fantastic integration option in many scenarios, the scope of this playbook is firmly rooted in comparing the 2 APIs only.
Next Up: REST & GraphQL Comparisons