External IDs
link Require by
- AdvertAn advert
- BrandProduct brand
- DeletedAdvertA deleted advert
- ExternalIdsUpsertMutationPayloadAutogenerated return type of ExternalIdsUpsertMutation.
- ExternalIDUpsertMutationPayloadAutogenerated return type of ExternalIDUpsertMutation.
- GoldenProductA golden product record.
- GoldenProductVariantA variant under the golden product record.
- InvoiceInvoice items associated with an order.
- LineItemLine items associated with a cart or order.
- OptionTypeAn advert's option type (e.g. colour, size, shape).
- OptionTypeFilterOptionMinimal subset of OptionType type which can be used to build an option type filter for advert search
- OptionValueOption value for an advert's option type (e.g. 'red', 'large')
- OrderA cart that has turned into an immutable order.
- PrototypePrototypes contain the attributes from which all Adverts in a Category inherit eg. Clothing
- QueryRoot queries that don't modify database records.
- RefundRequestRefund requests associated with an invoice
- RefundRequestLineItemLine item on a refund request
- ReturnShipmentShipment tracking information.
- SellerRetailer or private seller.
- ShipmentShipment tracking information.
- TaxonCategory or Sub-category for organising adverts. Has a tree-like structure with parents and children.
- UnpublishedAdvertAn unpublished advert
- VariantA unique option type/option value combination that represents a variation of a purchasable item.