
Image attachment for adverts and some other models

link GraphQL Schema definition

  • type Image implements Node {
  • # AI detected labels. Will be null unless experimental AI features are enabled.
  • aiDetectedLabels: [String!] @deprecated( reason: "Experimental, will change" )
  • # AI moderation labels. Will be null unless experimental AI features are enabled.
  • aiModerationLabels: [String!] @deprecated( reason: "Experimental, will change" )
  • # Image alt text
  • alt: String
  • filename: String
  • height: Int
  • id: ID!
  • # Image metadata
  • metadata: String
  • # NOTE: This will be deprecated, assume images are always ordered and set position
  • # values on integrations accordingly.
  • position: Int!
  • # The file size of the image in bytes.
  • size: Int
  • # The src URL for the image.
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # width: Desired width (in pixels) of image.
  • # height: Desired height (in pixels) of image.
  • # fit: Resize Fit Mode: default is max
  • # fillColor: Sets a background color (hex, eg: ff0000) for
  • # fit=fill/fillmax. NOTE: we would suggest using fit=clip and css style of
  • # "object-fit: contain" instead.
  • # originalFormat: Return image original format as it was
  • # uploaded.
  • url(
  • width: Int,
  • height: Int,
  • fit: ImageFitEnum,
  • fillColor: String,
  • originalFormat: Boolean
  • ): String!
  • width: Int
  • }