
Category or Sub-category for organising adverts. Has a tree-like structure with parents and children.

link GraphQL Schema definition

  • type Taxon implements Node {
  • # Alternative term that could be used to reference this taxon.
  • additionalSearchTerms: String
  • # The adverts that belong to this taxon.
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # after: Returns the elements in the list that come after the
  • # specified cursor.
  • # before: Returns the elements in the list that come before the
  • # specified cursor.
  • # first: Returns the first _n_ elements from the list.
  • # last: Returns the last _n_ elements from the list.
  • # onlineOnly: Request only online adverts associated with the
  • # taxon. Default is true.
  • # includeLinkedToDescendants: Request adverts associated with
  • # taxon or its child taxons.
  • adverts(
  • after: String,
  • before: String,
  • first: Int,
  • last: Int,
  • onlineOnly: Boolean,
  • includeLinkedToDescendants: Boolean
  • ): AdvertsConnection!
  • # Arguments
  • # after: Returns the elements in the list that come after the
  • # specified cursor.
  • # before: Returns the elements in the list that come before the
  • # specified cursor.
  • # first: Returns the first _n_ elements from the list.
  • # last: Returns the last _n_ elements from the list.
  • # showOnlineOnly: Request only taxons that have online adverts
  • # associated with them.
  • children(
  • after: String,
  • before: String,
  • first: Int,
  • last: Int,
  • showOnlineOnly: Boolean
  • ): TaxonsConnection!
  • description: String
  • displayName: String!
  • externalIds: [ExternalID!]!
  • # Google category associated to the taxon - supplied to the Google Content API
  • googleCategory: String
  • # A boolean for whether a taxon has brands or not
  • hasBrands: Boolean!
  • id: ID!
  • # The display image for each taxon.
  • image: Image
  • legacyId: Int!
  • # Maximum purchase quantity allowed for successful checkout
  • maxPurchaseQuantity: Int
  • # Minimum purchase quantity required for successful checkout
  • minPurchaseQuantity: Int
  • parent: Taxon
  • prototype: Prototype!
  • # The tax code the category falls under
  • taxCode: String
  • # The tax rate applied to this category
  • taxRate: Float
  • taxonType: TaxonTypeEnum!
  • # Taxon title. Mostly for internal organisation.
  • title: String!
  • # Taxon tree formatted to string
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # separator: Separator for taxon hierarchy tree
  • treeName(separator: String): String!
  • # The URL subpath associated with the given taxon.
  • #
  • # Mostly used for building URLs for advert search results.
  • urlSlug: String!
  • }