
Refund requests associated with an invoice

link GraphQL Schema definition

  • type RefundRequest implements Node {
  • # The amount of cash refunded (could also include credit card or afterpay).
  • # Denominated in cents.
  • cashAmountCents: Int @deprecated( reason: "Prices can be larger than is representable by a graphql integer. Use the string version instead. This field will be removed no earlier than July 1st, 2025. " )
  • # The amount of cash refunded (could also include credit card or afterpay). In
  • # string with currency symbol.
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # currency: Currency in which to display money fields. Defaults
  • # to the currency of the marketplace's home country.
  • cashAmountFormatted(currency: String): String
  • # The total refund value of the commission within this refund request. Denominated
  • # in cents.
  • commissionAmountTotalCents: Int @deprecated( reason: "Prices can be larger than is representable by a graphql integer. Use the string version instead. This field will be removed no earlier than July 1st, 2025. " )
  • # The total refund value of the commission within this refund request. In string
  • # with currency symbol.
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # currency: Currency in which to display money fields. Defaults
  • # to the currency of the marketplace's home country.
  • commissionAmountTotalFormatted(currency: String): String
  • # The total value of the tax on the commissionAmountTotal. Denominated in cents.
  • commissionTaxTotalCents: Int @deprecated( reason: "Prices can be larger than is representable by a graphql integer. Use the string version instead. This field will be removed no earlier than July 1st, 2025. " )
  • # The total value of the tax on the commissionAmountTotal. In string with currency
  • # symbol.
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # currency: Currency in which to display money fields. Defaults
  • # to the currency of the marketplace's home country.
  • commissionTaxTotalFormatted(currency: String): String
  • # The timestamp at which this refund request was created.
  • createdAt: ISO8601DateTime!
  • externalIds: [ExternalID!]!
  • # The amount to be refunded to gift cards. Denominated in cents.
  • giftCardAmountCents: Int @deprecated( reason: "Prices can be larger than is representable by a graphql integer. Use the string version instead. This field will be removed no earlier than July 1st, 2025. " )
  • # The amount to be refunded to gift cards. In string with currency symbol.
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # currency: Currency in which to display money fields. Defaults
  • # to the currency of the marketplace's home country.
  • giftCardAmountFormatted(currency: String): String
  • id: ID!
  • # The initiator of this refund request.
  • initiatedBy: RefundRequestInitiatorEnum
  • # The invoice to which this refund request refers.
  • invoice: Invoice!
  • # The id used to identify the refund request.
  • legacyId: Int!
  • # The total refund value of the item/s within this refund request. Denominated in
  • # cents.
  • lineItemAmountTotalCents: Int @deprecated( reason: "Prices can be larger than is representable by a graphql integer. Use the string version instead. This field will be removed no earlier than July 1st, 2025. " )
  • # The total refund value of the item/s within this refund request. In string with
  • # currency symbol.
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # currency: Currency in which to display money fields. Defaults
  • # to the currency of the marketplace's home country.
  • lineItemAmountTotalFormatted(currency: String): String
  • # The total value of the tax on the lineItemAmountTotal. Denominated in cents.
  • lineItemTaxTotalCents: Int @deprecated( reason: "Prices can be larger than is representable by a graphql integer. Use the string version instead. This field will be removed no earlier than July 1st, 2025. " )
  • # The total value of the tax on the lineItemAmountTotal. In string with currency
  • # symbol.
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # currency: Currency in which to display money fields. Defaults
  • # to the currency of the marketplace's home country.
  • lineItemTaxTotalFormatted(currency: String): String
  • # Line items for which this refund is being requested.
  • lineItems: [RefundRequestLineItem!]!
  • # Metadata key/values
  • metadata: [Metadatum!]!
  • # Notes associated with this refund request.
  • notes: [RefundRequestNote!]!
  • # Receipts for the refund (e.g. screenshots from payment provider portal, etc.)
  • receipts: [Image!]! @deprecated( reason: "Attachments should be added via RefundRequestNote.attachments. This field will be removed on 2022-12-15." )
  • # The amount that will be recovered from the retailer. Denominated in cents.
  • recoveredAmountCents: Int @deprecated( reason: "Prices can be larger than is representable by a graphql integer. Use the string version instead. This field will be removed no earlier than July 1st, 2025. " )
  • # The amount that will be recovered from the retailer. In string with currency
  • # symbol.
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # currency: Currency in which to display money fields. Defaults
  • # to the currency of the marketplace's home country.
  • recoveredAmountFormatted(currency: String): String
  • # The total amount to be refunded to the customer. Denominated in cents.
  • refundAmountCents: Int @deprecated( reason: "Prices can be larger than is representable by a graphql integer. Use the string version instead. This field will be removed no earlier than July 1st, 2025. " )
  • # The total amount to be refunded to the customer. In string with currency symbol.
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # currency: Currency in which to display money fields. Defaults
  • # to the currency of the marketplace's home country.
  • refundAmountFormatted(currency: String): String
  • # The timestamp at which this refund request was refunded to the customer (can be
  • # nil).
  • refundedAt: ISO8601DateTime
  • # The total refund value of the remittance within this amendment. Denominated in
  • # cents.
  • remittanceAmountTotalCents: Int @deprecated( reason: "Prices can be larger than is representable by a graphql integer. Use the string version instead. This field will be removed no earlier than July 1st, 2025. " )
  • # The total refund value of the remittance within this amendment. In string with
  • # currency symbol.
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # currency: Currency in which to display money fields. Defaults
  • # to the currency of the marketplace's home country.
  • remittanceAmountTotalFormatted(currency: String): String
  • # The total value of the tax on the remittanceAmountTotal. Denominated in cents.
  • remittanceTaxTotalCents: Int @deprecated( reason: "Prices can be larger than is representable by a graphql integer. Use the string version instead. This field will be removed no earlier than July 1st, 2025. " )
  • # The total value of the tax on the remittanceAmountTotal. In string with currency
  • # symbol.
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # currency: Currency in which to display money fields. Defaults
  • # to the currency of the marketplace's home country.
  • remittanceTaxTotalFormatted(currency: String): String
  • # The value of the purchased items that are being refunded. Denominated in cents.
  • requestValueCents: Int @deprecated( reason: "Prices can be larger than is representable by a graphql integer. Use the string version instead. This field will be removed no earlier than July 1st, 2025. " )
  • # The value of the purchased items that are being refunded. In string with
  • # currency symbol.
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # currency: Currency in which to display money fields. Defaults
  • # to the currency of the marketplace's home country.
  • requestValueFormatted(currency: String): String
  • # Documentation or photos related to the package received.
  • returnedConsignments: [Image!]! @deprecated( reason: "Attachments should be added via RefundRequestNote.attachments. This field will be removed on 2022-12-15." )
  • # Shipments associated with this refund request.
  • shipments: [ReturnShipment!]!
  • # The status of this refund request.
  • status: RefundRequestStatusEnum!
  • # Total amount to be refunded. Denominated in cents.
  • totalCents: Int @deprecated( reason: "Prices can be larger than is representable by a graphql integer. Use the string version instead. This field will be removed no earlier than July 1st, 2025. " )
  • # Total amount to be refunded. In string with currency symbol.
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # currency: Currency in which to display money fields. Defaults
  • # to the currency of the marketplace's home country.
  • totalFormatted(currency: String): String
  • # The timestamp at which this refund request was updated.
  • updatedAt: ISO8601DateTime!
  • }