Queries for modifying data in the database.
link GraphQL Schema definition
- type Mutation {
- # start a background job to download activity log data. Only accessible to
- # operator admin users.
- #
- # Arguments
- # input: Parameters for ActivityLogDownloadMutation
- (
- ActivityLogDownloadMutationInput! :
- ): ActivityLogDownloadMutationPayload
- # Initiate a username/password login for an administrator.
- #
- # May return a session token (in which case no further action is
- # required to complete the login, and the session token can be
- # used as an API key until it expires).
- #
- # May also return one or more multi-factor authentication (MFA)
- # challenges. If it does, at least one MFA challenge needs to be
- # successfully responded to in order to get the session token.
- #
- # NOTE: MFA Challenge is not yet implemented in this login, so if it is
- # required, an error will be returned.
- #
- # Arguments
- # input: Parameters for AdminLoginUsernameMutation
- AdminLoginUsernameMutationInput!): AdminLoginUsernameMutationPayload ( :
- # Create an Admin Role. Only accessible to operator admin users.
- #
- # Arguments
- # input: Parameters for AdminRoleCreateMutation
- AdminRoleCreateMutationInput!): AdminRoleCreateMutationPayload ( :
- # Delete an Admin Role. Only accessible to operator admin users.
- #
- # Arguments
- # input: Parameters for AdminRoleDeleteMutation
- AdminRoleDeleteMutationInput!): AdminRoleDeleteMutationPayload ( :
- # Update an Admin Role. Only accessible to operator admin users.
- #
- # Arguments
- # input: Parameters for AdminRoleUpdateMutation
- AdminRoleUpdateMutationInput!): AdminRoleUpdateMutationPayload ( :
- # Mark an existing advert as deleted. Only accessible to operator and seller admin
- # users.
- #
- # Arguments
- # input: Parameters for AdvertDeleteMutation
- AdvertDeleteMutationInput!): AdvertDeleteMutationPayload ( :
- # Updates the advert's published status. Only accessible to operator and seller
- # admin users.
- #
- # Arguments
- # input: Parameters for AdvertPublishedUpdateMutation
- (
- AdvertPublishedUpdateMutationInput! :
- ): AdvertPublishedUpdateMutationPayload
- # start a background job to import adverts. Only accessible to operator and seller
- # admin users.
- #
- # Arguments
- # input: Parameters for AdvertSpreadsheetConfirmImportMutation
- (
- AdvertSpreadsheetConfirmImportMutationInput! :
- ): AdvertSpreadsheetConfirmImportMutationPayload
- # start a background job to download adverts. Only accessible to operator and
- # seller admin users.
- #
- # Arguments
- # input: Parameters for AdvertSpreadsheetDownloadMutation
- (
- AdvertSpreadsheetDownloadMutationInput! :
- ): AdvertSpreadsheetDownloadMutationPayload
- # start a background job to upload adverts. Only accessible to operator and seller
- # admin users.
- #
- # Arguments
- # input: Parameters for AdvertSpreadsheetUploadMutation
- (
- AdvertSpreadsheetUploadMutationInput! :
- ): AdvertSpreadsheetUploadMutationPayload
- # Create an Advert if no ID is passed, otherwise updates existing Advert. Only
- # accessible to operator and seller admin users.
- #
- # Arguments
- # input: Parameters for AdvertUpsertMutation
- AdvertUpsertMutationInput!): AdvertUpsertMutationPayload ( :
- # Bulk approves products via vetting. Only accessible to operator admin users.
- #
- # Arguments
- # input: [Not documented]
- AdvertVettingApproveInput!): AdvertVettingApproveMutationPayload ( :
- # Bulk rejects products via vetting. Only accessible to operator admin users.
- #
- # Arguments
- # input: [Not documented]
- AdvertVettingRejectInput!): AdvertVettingRejectMutationPayload ( :
- # Bulk resubmit adverts for vetting. Only accessible to operator and seller admin
- # users.
- #
- # Arguments
- # input: [Not documented]
- AdvertVettingResubmitInput!): AdvertVettingResubmitMutationPayload ( :
- # Create or update Adyen settings. Only accessible to operator admin users.
- #
- # Arguments
- # input: Parameters for AdyenSettingsCreateOrUpdateMutation
- (
- AdyenSettingsCreateOrUpdateMutationInput! :
- ): AdyenSettingsCreateOrUpdateMutationPayload
- # Delete Adyen settings. Only accessible to operator admin users.
- #
- # Arguments
- # input: Parameters for AdyenSettingsDeleteMutation
- (
- AdyenSettingsDeleteMutationInput! :
- ): AdyenSettingsDeleteMutationPayload
- # Create or update Afterpay settings. Only accessible to operator admin users.
- #
- # Arguments
- # input: Parameters for AfterpaySettingsCreateOrUpdateMutation
- (
- AfterpaySettingsCreateOrUpdateMutationInput! :
- ): AfterpaySettingsCreateOrUpdateMutationPayload
- # Delete Afterpay settings. Only accessible to operator admin users.
- #
- # Arguments
- # input: Parameters for AfterpaySettingsDeleteMutation
- (
- AfterpaySettingsDeleteMutationInput! :
- ): AfterpaySettingsDeleteMutationPayload
- # Attempt a payment in Billing Invoice. Only accessible to operator and seller
- # admin users.
- #
- # Arguments
- # input: Parameters for AttemptBillingInvoicePaymentMutation
- (
- AttemptBillingInvoicePaymentMutationInput! :
- ): AttemptBillingInvoicePaymentMutationPayload
- # start a background job to download billing history. Only accessible to operator
- # and seller admin users.
- #
- # Arguments
- # input: Parameters for BillingHistoryDownloadMutation
- (
- BillingHistoryDownloadMutationInput! :
- ): BillingHistoryDownloadMutationPayload
- # Create or update Braintree settings. Only accessible to operator admin users.
- #
- # Arguments
- # input: Parameters for BraintreeSettingsCreateOrUpdateMutation
- (
- BraintreeSettingsCreateOrUpdateMutationInput! :
- ): BraintreeSettingsCreateOrUpdateMutationPayload
- # Delete Braintree settings. Only accessible to operator admin users.
- #
- # Arguments
- # input: Parameters for BraintreeSettingsDeleteMutation
- (
- BraintreeSettingsDeleteMutationInput! :
- ): BraintreeSettingsDeleteMutationPayload
- # Cancel a billing record. Only accessible to operator and seller admin users.
- #
- # Arguments
- # input: Parameters for CancelBillingInvoiceMutation
- (
- CancelBillingInvoiceMutationInput! :
- ): CancelBillingInvoiceMutationPayload
- # Add an item to a order. Currently only supports product variants.
- #
- # Arguments
- # input: Parameters for CartAddCartItemMutation
- CartAddCartItemMutationInput!): CartAddCartItemMutationPayload ( :
- # Add an item to current session cart. Only supports product variants.
- #
- # Arguments
- # input: Parameters for CartAddItemMutation
- CartAddItemMutationInput!): CartAddItemMutationPayload ( :
- # Checkout a cart using the cart ID. This checkout can be used with Braintree
- # payment provider and can only be used if Braintree is set up on the marketplace.
- # Will receive order once cart has been processed successfully.
- #
- # Arguments
- # input: Parameters for CartCheckoutMutation
- CartCheckoutMutationInput!): CartCheckoutMutationPayload ( :
- # Create a mutable cart to keep track of items that a user maybe wants to
- # purchase.
- #
- # Arguments
- # input: Parameters for CartCreateMutation
- CartCreateMutationInput!): CartCreateMutationPayload ( :
- # Delete a cart.
- #
- # Arguments
- # input: Parameters for CartDeleteMutation
- CartDeleteMutationInput!): CartDeleteMutationPayload ( :
- # Remove a line item from a cart.
- #
- # Arguments
- # input: Parameters for CartRemoveCartItemMutation
- CartRemoveCartItemMutationInput!): CartRemoveCartItemMutationPayload ( :
- # Update a mutable cart to keep track of items that a user maybe wants to
- # purchase.
- #
- # Arguments
- # input: Parameters for CartUpdateMutation
- CartUpdateMutationInput!): CartUpdateMutationPayload ( :
- # Update cart item details for a cart.
- #
- # Arguments
- # input: Parameters for CartUpdateCartItemMutation
- CartUpdateCartItemMutationInput!): CartUpdateCartItemMutationPayload ( :
- # Create a Catalog Rule. Only accessible to operator admin users.
- #
- # Arguments
- # input: Parameters for CatalogRuleCreateMutation
- CatalogRuleCreateMutationInput!): CatalogRuleCreateMutationPayload ( :
- # Delete a Catalog rule. Only accessible to operator admin users.
- #
- # Arguments
- # input: Parameters for CatalogRuleDeleteMutation
- CatalogRuleDeleteMutationInput!): CatalogRuleDeleteMutationPayload ( :
- # Update a Catalog Rule. Only accessible to operator admin users.
- #
- # Arguments
- # input: Parameters for CatalogRuleUpdateMutation
- CatalogRuleUpdateMutationInput!): CatalogRuleUpdateMutationPayload ( :
- # Updates status of invoice that have click_and_collect delivery type. Only
- # accessible to operator and seller admin users.
- #
- # Arguments
- # input: Parameters for ClickAndCollectStatusUpdateMutation
- (
- ClickAndCollectStatusUpdateMutationInput! :
- ): ClickAndCollectStatusUpdateMutationPayload
- # Creates a CustomField if no ID is passed, otherwise updates existing CustomField
- # (note: CustomFieldGroup must be created prior to creating CustomField). Only
- # accessible to operator admin users.
- #
- # Arguments
- # input: Parameters for CustomFieldCreateOrUpdateMutation
- (
- CustomFieldCreateOrUpdateMutationInput! :
- ): CustomFieldCreateOrUpdateMutationPayload
- # Deletes an existing CustomField. Only accessible to operator admin users.
- #
- # Arguments
- # input: Parameters for CustomFieldDeleteMutation
- CustomFieldDeleteMutationInput!): CustomFieldDeleteMutationPayload ( :
- # Creates a CustomFieldGroup if no ID is passed, otherwise updates existing
- # CustomFieldGroup. Only accessible to operator admin users.
- #
- # Arguments
- # input: Parameters for CustomFieldGroupCreateOrUpdateMutation
- (
- CustomFieldGroupCreateOrUpdateMutationInput! :
- ): CustomFieldGroupCreateOrUpdateMutationPayload
- # Deletes an existing CustomFieldGroup and associated CustomFields. Only
- # accessible to operator admin users.
- #
- # Arguments
- # input: Parameters for CustomFieldGroupDeleteMutation
- (
- CustomFieldGroupDeleteMutationInput! :
- ): CustomFieldGroupDeleteMutationPayload
- # Enrol an authenticator for a user or admin. Users and Admins can only do this
- # for themselves. Only accessible to seller and operator admin users.
- #
- # Arguments
- # input: Parameters for EnrolAuthenticatorMutation
- (
- EnrolAuthenticatorMutationInput! :
- ): EnrolAuthenticatorMutationPayload @deprecated( reason: "Feature in development, subject to change without notice" )
- # Create an association between an existing Object (eg. Advert) and external IDs.
- # Only accessible to operator admin users.
- #
- # Arguments
- # input: Parameters for ExternalIDUpsertMutation
- ExternalIDUpsertMutationInput!): ExternalIDUpsertMutationPayload ( :
- # Create an association between an existing Object (eg. Advert) and external IDs
- # ExternalID's owner/key will be unique.
- # For example, owner: 'Advert', key: 'my_store', value: '23'.
- # If an ExternalID exists with an owner of 'Advert' and a key of 'my_store', this
- # record will be found and updated with the new value, or created if it does not
- # exist.
- # . Only accessible to operator admin users.
- #
- # Arguments
- # input: Parameters for ExternalIdsUpsertMutation
- ExternalIdsUpsertMutationInput!): ExternalIdsUpsertMutationPayload ( :
- # Create or update Givex settings. Only accessible to operator admin users.
- #
- # Arguments
- # input: Parameters for GivexSettingsCreateOrUpdateMutation
- (
- GivexSettingsCreateOrUpdateMutationInput! :
- ): GivexSettingsCreateOrUpdateMutationPayload
- # Delete Givex settings. Only accessible to operator admin users.
- #
- # Arguments
- # input: Parameters for GivexSettingsDeleteMutation
- (
- GivexSettingsDeleteMutationInput! :
- ): GivexSettingsDeleteMutationPayload
- # Create a Golden Product. Only accessible to operator admin users.
- #
- # Arguments
- # input: Parameters for GoldenProductCreateMutation
- (
- GoldenProductCreateMutationInput! :
- ): GoldenProductCreateMutationPayload
- # Delete a Golden product. Only accessible to operator admin users.
- #
- # Arguments
- # input: Parameters for GoldenProductDeleteMutation
- (
- GoldenProductDeleteMutationInput! :
- ): GoldenProductDeleteMutationPayload
- # Update a Golden Product. Only accessible to operator admin users.
- #
- # Arguments
- # input: Parameters for GoldenProductUpdateMutation
- (
- GoldenProductUpdateMutationInput! :
- ): GoldenProductUpdateMutationPayload
- # Create a golden product variant. Only accessible to operator admin users.
- #
- # Arguments
- # input: Parameters for GoldenProductVariantCreateMutation
- (
- GoldenProductVariantCreateMutationInput! :
- ): GoldenProductVariantCreateMutationPayload
- # Delete a Golden product variant record. Only accessible to operator admin users.
- #
- # Arguments
- # input: Parameters for GoldenProductVariantDeleteMutation
- (
- GoldenProductVariantDeleteMutationInput! :
- ): GoldenProductVariantDeleteMutationPayload
- # Link the provided variants to the golden product variants by appending to
- # existing association. Also links the advert to the golden product if a link is
- # not already established. Only accessible to operator admin users.
- #
- # Arguments
- # input: Parameters for GoldenProductVariantLinkVariantsMutation
- (
- GoldenProductVariantLinkVariantsMutationInput! :
- ): GoldenProductVariantLinkVariantsMutationPayload
- # Unlink the provided variants from the golden product variant. Only accessible to
- # operator admin users.
- #
- # Arguments
- # input: Parameters for
- # GoldenProductVariantUnlinkVariantsMutation
- (
- GoldenProductVariantUnlinkVariantsMutationInput! :
- ): GoldenProductVariantUnlinkVariantsMutationPayload
- # Update a golden product variant. Only accessible to operator admin users.
- #
- # Arguments
- # input: Parameters for GoldenProductVariantUpdateMutation
- (
- GoldenProductVariantUpdateMutationInput! :
- ): GoldenProductVariantUpdateMutationPayload
- # Activates Golden product variants. Only accessible to operator admin users.
- #
- # Arguments
- # input: Parameters for GoldenProductVariantsActivateMutation
- (
- GoldenProductVariantsActivateMutationInput! :
- ): GoldenProductVariantsActivateMutationPayload
- # Deactivate Golden Product Variants. Only accessible to operator admin users.
- #
- # Arguments
- # input: Parameters for GoldenProductVariantsDeactivateMutation
- (
- GoldenProductVariantsDeactivateMutationInput! :
- ): GoldenProductVariantsDeactivateMutationPayload
- # Upload an image to be attached elsewhere. Only accessible to operator and seller
- # admin users.
- #
- # Arguments
- # input: Parameters for ImageUploadMutation
- ImageUploadMutationInput!): ImageUploadMutationPayload ( :
- # Create an inquiry to the seller. Only accessible to operator admin users.
- #
- # Arguments
- # input: Parameters for InquiryCreateMutation
- InquiryCreateMutationInput!): InquiryCreateMutationPayload ( :
- # Create an invoice amendment. Only accessible to operator admin users.
- #
- # Arguments
- # input: Parameters for InvoiceAmendmentCreateMutation
- (
- InvoiceAmendmentCreateMutationInput! :
- ): InvoiceAmendmentCreateMutationPayload
- # Annotate an invoice.
- #
- # Arguments
- # input: Parameters for InvoiceAnnotationCreateMutation
- (
- InvoiceAnnotationCreateMutationInput! :
- ): InvoiceAnnotationCreateMutationPayload
- # Resolve an invoice annotation.
- #
- # Arguments
- # input: Parameters for InvoiceAnnotationResolveMutation
- (
- InvoiceAnnotationResolveMutationInput! :
- ): InvoiceAnnotationResolveMutationPayload
- # Create an invoice annotation type. Only accessible to operator admin users.
- #
- # Arguments
- # input: Parameters for InvoiceAnnotationTypeCreateMutation
- (
- InvoiceAnnotationTypeCreateMutationInput! :
- ): InvoiceAnnotationTypeCreateMutationPayload
- # Discard an invoice annotation type. Only accessible to operator admin users.
- #
- # Arguments
- # input: Parameters for InvoiceAnnotationTypeDiscardMutation
- (
- InvoiceAnnotationTypeDiscardMutationInput! :
- ): InvoiceAnnotationTypeDiscardMutationPayload
- # Update an invoice annotation type. Only accessible to operator admin users.
- #
- # Arguments
- # input: Parameters for InvoiceAnnotationTypeUpdateMutation
- (
- InvoiceAnnotationTypeUpdateMutationInput! :
- ): InvoiceAnnotationTypeUpdateMutationPayload
- # Update an invoice annotation.
- #
- # Arguments
- # input: Parameters for InvoiceAnnotationUpdateMutation
- (
- InvoiceAnnotationUpdateMutationInput! :
- ): InvoiceAnnotationUpdateMutationPayload
- # Create or update Klaviyo settings. Only accessible to operator admin users.
- #
- # Arguments
- # input: Parameters for KlaviyoSettingsCreateOrUpdateMutation
- (
- KlaviyoSettingsCreateOrUpdateMutationInput! :
- ): KlaviyoSettingsCreateOrUpdateMutationPayload
- # Delete Klaviyo settings. Only accessible to operator admin users.
- #
- # Arguments
- # input: Parameters for KlaviyoSettingsDeleteMutation
- (
- KlaviyoSettingsDeleteMutationInput! :
- ): KlaviyoSettingsDeleteMutationPayload
- # start a background job to download line items that have not yet been shipped.
- # Only accessible to operator and seller admin users.
- #
- # Arguments
- # input: Parameters for
- # LineItemsForShipmentsSpreadsheetDownloadMutation
- (
- LineItemsForShipmentsSpreadsheetDownloadMutationInput! :
- ): LineItemsForShipmentsSpreadsheetDownloadMutationPayload
- # start a background job to bulk dispatch line items. Only accessible to operator
- # and seller admin users.
- #
- # Arguments
- # input: Parameters for
- # LineItemsForShipmentsSpreadsheetUploadMutation
- (
- LineItemsForShipmentsSpreadsheetUploadMutationInput! :
- ): LineItemsForShipmentsSpreadsheetUploadMutationPayload
- # Logs a user out, based on a session cookie.
- #
- # Arguments
- # input: Parameters for UserLogOutMutation
- UserLogOutMutationInput!): UserLogOutMutationPayload ( :
- # Set the mapping value. Only accessible to operator and seller admin users.
- #
- # Arguments
- # input: Parameters for MappingSetMutation
- MappingSetMutationInput!): MappingSetMutationPayload ( :
- # Generate API keys. Only accessible to operator and seller admin users.
- #
- # Arguments
- # input: Parameters for MarketplacerAPIKeyCreateMutation
- (
- MarketplacerAPIKeyCreateMutationInput! :
- ): MarketplacerAPIKeyCreateMutationPayload
- # Create an association between an existing Object (eg. Advert) and multiple
- # Metadata objects
- # Metadata's owner/key will be unique.
- # For example, owner: 'Advert', key: 'my_store', value: '23'.
- # If a Metadata exists with an owner of 'Advert' and a key of 'my_store', this
- # record will be found and updated with the new value, or created if it does not
- # exist.
- # . Only accessible to operator admin users.
- #
- # Arguments
- # input: Parameters for Metadata2UpsertMutation
- Metadata2UpsertMutationInput!): Metadata2UpsertMutationPayload ( :
- # Create an association between an existing Object (eg. Order/Invoice/Seller) and
- # Metadata. Only accessible to operator admin users.
- #
- # Arguments
- # input: Parameters for MetadataUpsertMutation
- MetadataUpsertMutationInput!): MetadataUpsertMutationPayload ( :
- # Subscribe the given email to the marketing newsletter.
- #
- # Arguments
- # input: Parameters for NewsletterSubscribeMutation
- (
- NewsletterSubscribeMutationInput! :
- ): NewsletterSubscribeMutationPayload
- # Create an OptionType if no ID is passed, otherwise updates existing Prototype.
- # Only accessible to operator admin users.
- #
- # Arguments
- # input: Parameters for OptionTypeCreateOrUpdateMutation
- (
- OptionTypeCreateOrUpdateMutationInput! :
- ): OptionTypeCreateOrUpdateMutationPayload
- # Create an OptionValue if no ID is passed, otherwise updates existing
- # OptionValue. Only accessible to operator admin users.
- #
- # Arguments
- # input: Parameters for OptionValueCreateOrUpdateMutation
- (
- OptionValueCreateOrUpdateMutationInput! :
- ): OptionValueCreateOrUpdateMutationPayload
- # Delete an existing OptionValue. Only accessible to operator admin users.
- #
- # Arguments
- # input: Parameters for OptionValueDeleteMutation
- OptionValueDeleteMutationInput!): OptionValueDeleteMutationPayload ( :
- # Create an order. Only accessible to operator admin users.
- #
- # Arguments
- # input: Parameters for OrderCreateMutation
- OrderCreateMutationInput!): OrderCreateMutationPayload ( :
- # start a background job to download order history. Only accessible to operator
- # and seller admin users.
- #
- # Arguments
- # input: Parameters for OrderHistoryDownloadMutation
- (
- OrderHistoryDownloadMutationInput! :
- ): OrderHistoryDownloadMutationPayload
- # Update a finalized order. Only accessible to operator admin users.
- #
- # Arguments
- # input: Parameters for OrderUpdateMutation
- OrderUpdateMutationInput!): OrderUpdateMutationPayload ( :
- # Create a partner integration toggle event. Only accessible to operator and
- # seller admin users.
- #
- # Arguments
- # input: Parameters for
- # PartnerIntegrationToggleEventCreateMutation
- (
- PartnerIntegrationToggleEventCreateMutationInput! :
- ): PartnerIntegrationToggleEventCreateMutationPayload
- # Resets password for a user or admin.
- #
- # Arguments
- # input: Parameters for PasswordResetMutation
- PasswordResetMutationInput!): PasswordResetMutationPayload ( :
- # Create a payment method. Only accessible to operator admin users.
- #
- # Arguments
- # input: Parameters for PaymentMethodCreateMutation
- (
- PaymentMethodCreateMutationInput! :
- ): PaymentMethodCreateMutationPayload
- # Delete a payment method. Only accessible to operator admin users.
- #
- # Arguments
- # input: Parameters for PaymentMethodDeleteMutation
- (
- PaymentMethodDeleteMutationInput! :
- ): PaymentMethodDeleteMutationPayload
- # Create or update PayPal Commerce settings. Only accessible to operator admin
- # users.
- #
- # Arguments
- # input: Parameters for
- # PaypalCommerceSettingsCreateOrUpdateMutation
- (
- PaypalCommerceSettingsCreateOrUpdateMutationInput! :
- ): PaypalCommerceSettingsCreateOrUpdateMutationPayload
- # Delete PayPal Commerce settings. Only accessible to operator admin users.
- #
- # Arguments
- # input: Parameters for PaypalCommerceSettingsDeleteMutation
- (
- PaypalCommerceSettingsDeleteMutationInput! :
- ): PaypalCommerceSettingsDeleteMutationPayload
- # Confirm an order using order ID. This order confirmation is used only for
- # redirect based payment providers such as Afterpay, Zip. Will receive order once
- # order has been processed successfully.
- #
- # Arguments
- # input: Parameters for ProcessPaymentGatewayRedirectMutation
- (
- ProcessPaymentGatewayRedirectMutationInput! :
- ): ProcessPaymentGatewayRedirectMutationPayload
- # Create or update a promotion. Only accessible to operator and seller admin
- # users.
- #
- # Arguments
- # input: Parameters for PromotionUpsertMutation
- PromotionUpsertMutationInput!): PromotionUpsertMutationPayload ( :
- # Create a Prototype if no ID is passed, otherwise updates existing Prototype.
- # Only accessible to operator admin users.
- #
- # Arguments
- # input: Parameters for PrototypeCreateOrUpdateMutation
- (
- PrototypeCreateOrUpdateMutationInput! :
- ): PrototypeCreateOrUpdateMutationPayload
- # Purge the sensitive user data from an order. Only accessible to operator admin
- # users.
- #
- # Arguments
- # input: Parameters for PurgeOrderDataMutation
- PurgeOrderDataMutationInput!): PurgeOrderDataMutationPayload ( :
- # Delete a ranked result. Only accessible to operator admin users.
- #
- # Arguments
- # input: Parameters for RankedResultDeleteMutation
- RankedResultDeleteMutationInput!): RankedResultDeleteMutationPayload ( :
- # Upsert a ranked result. Only accessible to operator admin users.
- #
- # Arguments
- # input: Parameters for RankedResultUpsertMutation
- RankedResultUpsertMutationInput!): RankedResultUpsertMutationPayload ( :
- # Approve the refund request. Only accessible to operator admin users.
- #
- # Arguments
- # input: [Not documented]
- RefundRequestApproveInput!): RefundRequestApproveMutationPayload ( :
- # Create a refund request. Only accessible to operator and seller admin users.
- #
- # Arguments
- # input: Parameters for RefundRequestCreateMutation
- (
- RefundRequestCreateMutationInput! :
- ): RefundRequestCreateMutationPayload
- # Deny a refund request. Only accessible to operator admin users.
- #
- # Arguments
- # input: Parameters for RefundRequestDenyMutation
- RefundRequestDenyMutationInput!): RefundRequestDenyMutationPayload ( :
- # Accept the refund request line item. Only accessible to operator and seller
- # admin users.
- #
- # Arguments
- # input: Parameters for RefundRequestLineItemAcceptMutation
- (
- RefundRequestLineItemAcceptMutationInput! :
- ): RefundRequestLineItemAcceptMutationPayload
- # Deny the refund request line item. Only accessible to operator and seller admin
- # users.
- #
- # Arguments
- # input: Parameters for RefundRequestLineItemDenyMutation
- (
- RefundRequestLineItemDenyMutationInput! :
- ): RefundRequestLineItemDenyMutationPayload
- # Return the refund request line item. Only accessible to operator and seller
- # admin users.
- #
- # Arguments
- # input: Parameters for RefundRequestLineItemReturnMutation
- (
- RefundRequestLineItemReturnMutationInput! :
- ): RefundRequestLineItemReturnMutationPayload
- # Refund a refund request. Only accessible to operator admin users.
- #
- # Arguments
- # input: Parameters for RefundRequestRefundMutation
- (
- RefundRequestRefundMutationInput! :
- ): RefundRequestRefundMutationPayload
- # Mark a refund request as having been returned. Only accessible to operator and
- # seller admin users.
- #
- # Arguments
- # input: Parameters for RefundRequestReturnMutation
- (
- RefundRequestReturnMutationInput! :
- ): RefundRequestReturnMutationPayload
- # Revert a refund request denial. Only accessible to operator admin users.
- #
- # Arguments
- # input: Parameters for RefundRequestRevertDenialMutation
- (
- RefundRequestRevertDenialMutationInput! :
- ): RefundRequestRevertDenialMutationPayload
- # start a background job to download refund requests. Only accessible to operator
- # and seller admin users.
- #
- # Arguments
- # input: Parameters for RefundRequestSpreadsheetDownloadMutation
- (
- RefundRequestSpreadsheetDownloadMutationInput! :
- ): RefundRequestSpreadsheetDownloadMutationPayload
- # Update Remittance Advice. Only accessible to operator admin users.
- #
- # Arguments
- # input: Parameters for RemittanceAdviceUpdateMutation
- (
- RemittanceAdviceUpdateMutationInput! :
- ): RemittanceAdviceUpdateMutationPayload
- # Remittances Release. Only accessible to operator admin users.
- #
- # Arguments
- # input: Parameters for RemittancesReleaseMutation
- RemittancesReleaseMutationInput!): RemittancesReleaseMutationPayload ( :
- # Sends a reset password email to the logged in user.
- #
- # Arguments
- # input: Parameters for ResetUserPasswordMutation
- ResetUserPasswordMutationInput!): ResetUserPasswordMutationPayload ( :
- # Resets a users recovery codes and sends them an email with new recovery codes.
- # Only accessible to operator and seller admin users.
- #
- # Arguments
- # input: Parameters for ResetUserRecoveryCodesMutation
- (
- ResetUserRecoveryCodesMutationInput! :
- ): ResetUserRecoveryCodesMutationPayload
- # Create a return shipment for a refund request. Only accessible to operator and
- # seller admin users.
- #
- # Arguments
- # input: Parameters for ReturnShipmentCreateMutation
- (
- ReturnShipmentCreateMutationInput! :
- ): ReturnShipmentCreateMutationPayload
- # Update a return shipment for a refund request. Only accessible to operator and
- # seller admin users.
- #
- # Arguments
- # input: Parameters for ReturnShipmentUpdateMutation
- (
- ReturnShipmentUpdateMutationInput! :
- ): ReturnShipmentUpdateMutationPayload
- # Generate Rithum API key for a Seller. Only accessible to operator and seller
- # admin users.
- #
- # Arguments
- # input: Parameters for RithumAPIKeyCreateMutation
- RithumAPIKeyCreateMutationInput!): RithumAPIKeyCreateMutationPayload ( :
- # Updates adyen billing payment method for seller. Only accessible to operator and
- # seller admin users.
- #
- # Arguments
- # input: Parameters for
- # SellerAdyenBillingPaymentMethodUpdateMutation
- (
- SellerAdyenBillingPaymentMethodUpdateMutationInput! :
- ): SellerAdyenBillingPaymentMethodUpdateMutationPayload
- # Updates braintree billing payment method for seller. Only accessible to operator
- # and seller admin users.
- #
- # Arguments
- # input: Parameters for
- # SellerBraintreeBillingPaymentMethodUpdateMutation
- (
- SellerBraintreeBillingPaymentMethodUpdateMutationInput! :
- ): SellerBraintreeBillingPaymentMethodUpdateMutationPayload
- # Create prospective seller accounts. Only accessible to operator admin users.
- #
- # Arguments
- # input: Parameters for SellerCreateMutation
- SellerCreateMutationInput!): SellerCreateMutationPayload ( :
- # Trigger seller onboarding process. Only accessible to operator and seller admin
- # users.
- #
- # Arguments
- # input: Parameters for SellerOnboardingProcessTriggerMutation
- (
- SellerOnboardingProcessTriggerMutationInput! :
- ): SellerOnboardingProcessTriggerMutationPayload
- # Sends an invoice to the customer. Only accessible to operator and seller admin
- # users.
- #
- # Arguments
- # input: Parameters for SellerSendInvoiceToCustomerMutation
- (
- SellerSendInvoiceToCustomerMutationInput! :
- ): SellerSendInvoiceToCustomerMutationPayload
- # Download seller sla metrics as a csv file. Only accessible to operator admin
- # users.
- #
- # Arguments
- # input: Parameters for SellerSlaExportMetricMutation
- (
- SellerSlaExportMetricMutationInput! :
- ): SellerSlaExportMetricMutationPayload
- # Update a seller. Requires an authenticated user to use mutation. Only accessible
- # to operator and seller admin users.
- #
- # Arguments
- # input: Parameters for SellerUpdateMutation
- SellerUpdateMutationInput!): SellerUpdateMutationPayload ( :
- # Create or update SendGrid settings. Only accessible to operator admin users.
- #
- # Arguments
- # input: Parameters for SendgridSettingsCreateOrUpdateMutation
- (
- SendgridSettingsCreateOrUpdateMutationInput! :
- ): SendgridSettingsCreateOrUpdateMutationPayload
- # Delete SendGrid settings. Only accessible to operator admin users.
- #
- # Arguments
- # input: Parameters for SendgridSettingsDeleteMutation
- (
- SendgridSettingsDeleteMutationInput! :
- ): SendgridSettingsDeleteMutationPayload
- # Updates the user session with location information.
- #
- # Arguments
- # input: Parameters for SessionLocationInformationUpdateMutation
- (
- SessionLocationInformationUpdateMutationInput! :
- ): SessionLocationInformationUpdateMutationPayload
- # Logs a user out, based on a session token. Only accessible to operator and
- # seller admin users.
- #
- # Arguments
- # input: Parameters for SessionTokenLogOutMutation
- SessionTokenLogOutMutationInput!): SessionTokenLogOutMutationPayload ( :
- # Create an address to ship items from. Only accessible to operator and seller
- # admin users.
- #
- # Arguments
- # input: Parameters for ShipmentAddressCreateMutation
- (
- ShipmentAddressCreateMutationInput! :
- ): ShipmentAddressCreateMutationPayload
- # Change the sort order for a retailer's shipment addresses. Only accessible to
- # operator and seller admin users.
- #
- # Arguments
- # input: Parameters for ShipmentAddressSortMutation
- (
- ShipmentAddressSortMutationInput! :
- ): ShipmentAddressSortMutationPayload
- # Create a shipment. Only accessible to operator and seller admin users.
- #
- # Arguments
- # input: Parameters for ShipmentCreateMutation
- ShipmentCreateMutationInput!): ShipmentCreateMutationPayload ( :
- # Add a status to the shipment status log. Only accessible to operator and seller
- # admin users.
- #
- # Arguments
- # input: Parameters for ShipmentStatusCreateMutation
- (
- ShipmentStatusCreateMutationInput! :
- ): ShipmentStatusCreateMutationPayload
- # Update a shipment. Only accessible to operator and seller admin users.
- #
- # Arguments
- # input: Parameters for ShipmentUpdateMutation
- ShipmentUpdateMutationInput!): ShipmentUpdateMutationPayload ( :
- # Mark an existing shipping as deleted. Only accessible to operator and seller
- # admin users.
- #
- # Arguments
- # input: Parameters for ShippingOptionDeleteMutation
- (
- ShippingOptionDeleteMutationInput! :
- ): ShippingOptionDeleteMutationPayload
- # Create or update shipping rules. Only accessible to operator and seller admin
- # users.
- #
- # Arguments
- # input: Parameters for ShippingOptionUpsertMutation
- (
- ShippingOptionUpsertMutationInput! :
- ): ShippingOptionUpsertMutationPayload
- # Create or Update Shipping Rates. Only accessible to operator and seller admin
- # users.
- #
- # Arguments
- # input: Parameters for ShippingRateCreateOrUpdateMutation
- (
- ShippingRateCreateOrUpdateMutationInput! :
- ): ShippingRateCreateOrUpdateMutationPayload
- # Delete a shipping rate. Only accessible to operator and seller admin users.
- #
- # Arguments
- # input: Parameters for ShippingRateDeleteMutation
- ShippingRateDeleteMutationInput!): ShippingRateDeleteMutationPayload ( :
- # Create or Update Shipping Zones. Only accessible to operator and seller admin
- # users.
- #
- # Arguments
- # input: Parameters for ShippingZoneCreateOrUpdateMutation
- (
- ShippingZoneCreateOrUpdateMutationInput! :
- ): ShippingZoneCreateOrUpdateMutationPayload
- # Delete a shipping zone. Only accessible to operator and seller admin users.
- #
- # Arguments
- # input: Parameters for ShippingZoneDeleteMutation
- ShippingZoneDeleteMutationInput!): ShippingZoneDeleteMutationPayload ( :
- # start a background job to download shipping zone postcodes. Only accessible to
- # operator and seller admin users.
- #
- # Arguments
- # input: Parameters for ShippingZoneSpreadsheetDownloadMutation
- (
- ShippingZoneSpreadsheetDownloadMutationInput! :
- ): ShippingZoneSpreadsheetDownloadMutationPayload
- # Update Shippit API credentials. Only accessible to operator and seller admin
- # users.
- #
- # Arguments
- # input: Parameters for ShippitCredentialsUpsertMutation
- (
- ShippitCredentialsUpsertMutationInput! :
- ): ShippitCredentialsUpsertMutationPayload
- # start a background job to download stock levels. Only accessible to operator and
- # seller admin users.
- #
- # Arguments
- # input: Parameters for StockLevelsSpreadsheetDownloadMutation
- (
- StockLevelsSpreadsheetDownloadMutationInput! :
- ): StockLevelsSpreadsheetDownloadMutationPayload
- # start a background job to update stock levels of variants or inventories. Only
- # accessible to operator and seller admin users.
- #
- # Arguments
- # input: Parameters for StockLevelsSpreadsheetUploadMutation
- (
- StockLevelsSpreadsheetUploadMutationInput! :
- ): StockLevelsSpreadsheetUploadMutationPayload
- # Create or update tax codes. Only accessible to operator admin users.
- #
- # Arguments
- # input: Parameters for TaxCodeCreateOrUpdateMutation
- (
- TaxCodeCreateOrUpdateMutationInput! :
- ): TaxCodeCreateOrUpdateMutationPayload
- # Create a Taxon if no ID is passed, otherwise updates existing Taxon. Only
- # accessible to operator admin users.
- #
- # Arguments
- # input: Parameters for TaxonCreateOrUpdateMutation
- (
- TaxonCreateOrUpdateMutationInput! :
- ): TaxonCreateOrUpdateMutationPayload
- # Create a mutable user. Only primary user for a seller can perform this. Only
- # accessible to operator and seller admin users.
- #
- # Arguments
- # input: Parameters for UserCreateMutation
- UserCreateMutationInput!): UserCreateMutationPayload ( :
- # Updates the session currency.
- #
- # Arguments
- # input: Parameters for UserCurrencySelectMutation
- UserCurrencySelectMutationInput!): UserCurrencySelectMutationPayload ( :
- # Delete a mutable user. Only primary user for a seller can perform this. Only
- # accessible to operator and seller admin users.
- #
- # Arguments
- # input: Parameters for UserDeleteMutation
- UserDeleteMutationInput!): UserDeleteMutationPayload ( :
- # Initiate a token login for a seller.
- #
- # Returns a session token which can be used as an API key until it
- # expires).
- #
- # Arguments
- # input: Parameters for UserLoginTokenMutation
- UserLoginTokenMutationInput!): UserLoginTokenMutationPayload ( :
- # Initiate a username/password login for a seller.
- #
- # Returns a session token which can be used as an API key until it
- # expires).
- #
- # Arguments
- # input: Parameters for UserLoginUsernameMutation
- UserLoginUsernameMutationInput!): UserLoginUsernameMutationPayload ( :
- # Verifies an MFA token for a user.
- #
- # Returns a new session token which can be used as an API key until it
- # expires only if the sessionToken field is requested).
- #
- # Arguments
- # input: Parameters for UserMFATokenVerificationMutation
- (
- UserMFATokenVerificationMutationInput! :
- ): UserMFATokenVerificationMutationPayload
- # Update a mutable user. Requires an authenticated user to use mutation.
- #
- # Arguments
- # input: Parameters for UserUpdateMutation
- UserUpdateMutationInput!): UserUpdateMutationPayload ( :
- # Updates the favourite store of the current user.
- #
- # Arguments
- # input: Parameters for UserUpdateFavouriteStoreMutation
- (
- UserUpdateFavouriteStoreMutationInput! :
- ): UserUpdateFavouriteStoreMutationPayload
- # Delete a variant. Only accessible to operator and seller admin users.
- #
- # Arguments
- # input: Parameters for VariantDeleteMutation
- VariantDeleteMutationInput!): VariantDeleteMutationPayload ( :
- # Update a variant. Only accessible to operator and seller admin users.
- #
- # Arguments
- # input: Parameters for VariantUpdateMutation
- VariantUpdateMutationInput!): VariantUpdateMutationPayload ( :
- # Verify an authenticator for a user or admin. Users and Admins can only do this
- # for themselves. Only accessible to seller and operator admin users.
- #
- # Arguments
- # input: Parameters for VerifyAuthenticatorMutation
- (
- VerifyAuthenticatorMutationInput! :
- ): VerifyAuthenticatorMutationPayload @deprecated( reason: "Feature in development, subject to change without notice" )
- # Create a webhook. Only accessible to operator and seller admin users.
- #
- # Arguments
- # input: Parameters for WebhookCreateMutation
- WebhookCreateMutationInput!): WebhookCreateMutationPayload ( :
- # Update a webhook. Only accessible to operator and seller admin users.
- #
- # Arguments
- # input: Parameters for WebhookUpdateMutation
- WebhookUpdateMutationInput!): WebhookUpdateMutationPayload ( :
- # Create or update Yotpo settings. Only accessible to operator admin users.
- #
- # Arguments
- # input: Parameters for YotpoSettingsCreateOrUpdateMutation
- (
- YotpoSettingsCreateOrUpdateMutationInput! :
- ): YotpoSettingsCreateOrUpdateMutationPayload
- # Delete Yotpo settings. Only accessible to operator admin users.
- #
- # Arguments
- # input: Parameters for YotpoSettingsDeleteMutation
- (
- YotpoSettingsDeleteMutationInput! :
- ): YotpoSettingsDeleteMutationPayload
- # Create or update Zip settings. Only accessible to operator admin users.
- #
- # Arguments
- # input: Parameters for ZipSettingsCreateOrUpdateMutation
- (
- ZipSettingsCreateOrUpdateMutationInput! :
- ): ZipSettingsCreateOrUpdateMutationPayload
- # Delete Zip settings. Only accessible to operator admin users.
- #
- # Arguments
- # input: Parameters for ZipSettingsDeleteMutation
- ZipSettingsDeleteMutationInput!): ZipSettingsDeleteMutationPayload ( :
- # Create or update Zooz settings. Only accessible to operator admin users.
- #
- # Arguments
- # input: Parameters for ZoozSettingsCreateOrUpdateMutation
- (
- ZoozSettingsCreateOrUpdateMutationInput! :
- ): ZoozSettingsCreateOrUpdateMutationPayload
- # Delete Zooz settings. Only accessible to operator admin users.
- #
- # Arguments
- # input: Parameters for ZoozSettingsDeleteMutation
- ZoozSettingsDeleteMutationInput!): ZoozSettingsDeleteMutationPayload ( :
- }
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