
Remittance for invoice or invoice amendment

link GraphQL Schema definition

  • type Remittance implements Node {
  • # The remittance amount Denominated in cents.
  • amountCents: Int! @deprecated( reason: "Prices can be larger than is representable by a graphql integer. Use the string version instead. This field will be removed no earlier than July 1st, 2025. " )
  • # The remittance amount In string with currency symbol.
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # currency: Currency in which to display money fields. Defaults
  • # to the currency of the marketplace's home country.
  • amountFormatted(currency: String): String!
  • # The value of the commission of this remittance. Denominated in cents.
  • commissionAmountCents: Int @deprecated( reason: "Prices can be larger than is representable by a graphql integer. Use the string version instead. This field will be removed no earlier than July 1st, 2025. " )
  • # The value of the commission of this remittance. In string with currency symbol.
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # currency: Currency in which to display money fields. Defaults
  • # to the currency of the marketplace's home country.
  • commissionAmountFormatted(currency: String): String
  • createdAt: ISO8601DateTime!
  • id: ID!
  • # Invoice
  • invoice: Invoice
  • # An amendment/change to an invoice. May be empty.
  • invoiceAmendment: InvoiceAmendment
  • # Reasons that this remittance is pending
  • pendingReasons: [String!]!
  • released: Boolean!
  • # The seller associated with the remittance.
  • seller: Seller!
  • }