
A cart that has turned into an immutable order.

link GraphQL Schema definition

  • type Order implements Node {
  • address: Address
  • # A displayable string which summarises the status of the invoices
  • aggregateInvoiceStatus: InvoiceStatusEnum
  • # All invoices are in final state: eg. sent / collected / cancelled
  • aggregateInvoiceStatusFinal: Boolean
  • billingAddress: Address
  • billingBusinessRegistrationCode: String
  • billingCompanyName: String
  • billingEmailAddress: String
  • billingFirstName: String
  • billingPhone: String
  • billingSurname: String
  • # ID of the cart that was converted into this order.
  • cartId: ID
  • companyName: String
  • createdAt: ISO8601DateTime!
  • # The discount applied to the order. Negative value. Denominated in cents.
  • discountCents: Int! @deprecated( reason: "Prices can be larger than is representable by a graphql integer. Use the string version instead. This field will be removed no earlier than July 1st, 2025. " )
  • # The discount applied to the order. Negative value. In string with currency
  • # symbol.
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # currency: Currency in which to display money fields. Defaults
  • # to the currency of the marketplace's home country.
  • discountFormatted(currency: String): String!
  • emailAddress: String
  • # The expected delivery date selected by the buyer for the order.
  • expectedDeliveryDate: ISO8601DateTime
  • # The expected delivery slot selected by the buyer for the order.
  • expectedDeliverySlot: String
  • externalId: String
  • externalIds: [ExternalID!]!
  • firstName: String
  • id: ID!
  • # Arguments
  • # after: Returns the elements in the list that come after the
  • # specified cursor.
  • # before: Returns the elements in the list that come before the
  • # specified cursor.
  • # first: Returns the first _n_ elements from the list.
  • # last: Returns the last _n_ elements from the list.
  • invoices(after: String, before: String, first: Int, last: Int): InvoiceConnection!
  • # Is this order a gift order? Defaults to false.
  • isGift: Boolean
  • # The id used to identify the order.
  • legacyId: Int!
  • # Arguments
  • # after: Returns the elements in the list that come after the
  • # specified cursor.
  • # before: Returns the elements in the list that come before the
  • # specified cursor.
  • # first: Returns the first _n_ elements from the list.
  • # last: Returns the last _n_ elements from the list.
  • lineItems(after: String, before: String, first: Int, last: Int): LineItemConnection!
  • # A message that will be sent to the gift recipient.
  • messageToGiftRecipient: String
  • # Message to the seller.
  • messageToSeller: String
  • # Metadata key/values
  • metadata: [Metadatum!]!
  • # Arguments
  • # after: Returns the elements in the list that come after the
  • # specified cursor.
  • # before: Returns the elements in the list that come before the
  • # specified cursor.
  • # first: Returns the first _n_ elements from the list.
  • # last: Returns the last _n_ elements from the list.
  • paymentEvents(after: String, before: String, first: Int, last: Int): PaymentEventConnection!
  • paymentGatewayDetails: JSON
  • paymentInstrumentType: String
  • phone: String
  • postage: Float!
  • purchaseOrderNumber: String
  • purgedAt: ISO8601DateTime
  • shipments: [Shipment!]!
  • # The order postage cost. Denominated in cents.
  • shippingCostCents: Int! @deprecated( reason: "Prices can be larger than is representable by a graphql integer. Use the string version instead. This field will be removed no earlier than July 1st, 2025. " )
  • # The order postage cost. In string with currency symbol.
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # currency: Currency in which to display money fields. Defaults
  • # to the currency of the marketplace's home country.
  • shippingCostFormatted(currency: String): String!
  • status: OrderStatusEnum!
  • subtotal: Float!
  • # The order subtotal, excluding discounts and postage. Tax is included for tax
  • # inclusive marketplaces. Denominated in cents.
  • subtotalCents: Int! @deprecated( reason: "Prices can be larger than is representable by a graphql integer. Use the string version instead. This field will be removed no earlier than July 1st, 2025. " )
  • # The order subtotal, excluding discounts and postage. Tax is included for tax
  • # inclusive marketplaces. In string with currency symbol.
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # currency: Currency in which to display money fields. Defaults
  • # to the currency of the marketplace's home country.
  • subtotalFormatted(currency: String): String!
  • surname: String
  • taxTotal: Float!
  • # The tax on the order. Denominated in cents.
  • taxTotalCents: Int! @deprecated( reason: "Prices can be larger than is representable by a graphql integer. Use the string version instead. This field will be removed no earlier than July 1st, 2025. " )
  • # The tax on the order. In string with currency symbol.
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # currency: Currency in which to display money fields. Defaults
  • # to the currency of the marketplace's home country.
  • taxTotalFormatted(currency: String): String!
  • # Required for setting the current order on the checkout page via URL parameter.
  • token: String!
  • total: Float!
  • # The order total. Denominated in cents.
  • totalCents: Int! @deprecated( reason: "Prices can be larger than is representable by a graphql integer. Use the string version instead. This field will be removed no earlier than July 1st, 2025. " )
  • # The order total. In string with currency symbol.
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # currency: Currency in which to display money fields. Defaults
  • # to the currency of the marketplace's home country.
  • totalFormatted(currency: String): String!
  • updatedAt: ISO8601DateTime!
  • }