Generic key-value object for when we need data whose structure isn't predefined.
link Require by
- AdvertInputnull
- ExternalIdsUpsertMutationInputAutogenerated input type of ExternalIdsUpsertMutation
- GoldenProductInputnull
- GoldenProductUpdateInputnull
- GoldenProductVariantInputnull
- GoldenProductVariantUpdateInputnull
- InvoiceInputAttributes for creating or updating an invoice
- LineItemInputLine items associated with a cart or order.
- Metadata2UpsertMutationInputAutogenerated input type of Metadata2UpsertMutation
- OptionTypeCreateOrUpdateMutationInputAutogenerated input type of OptionTypeCreateOrUpdateMutation
- OptionValueCreateOrUpdateMutationInputAutogenerated input type of OptionValueCreateOrUpdateMutation
- OrderInputAttributes for creating or updating an order
- PrototypeCreateOrUpdateMutationInputAutogenerated input type of PrototypeCreateOrUpdateMutation
- RefundRequestCreateMutationInputAutogenerated input type of RefundRequestCreateMutation
- RefundRequestCustomLineItemApproveInputnull
- RefundRequestLineItemInputLine item on a refund request. Either a line item ID (which must be a line item from the invoice to which this refund request is related) and a reason OR both custom and amountPerItem must be supplied. If you supply a line item ID you must supply a reason and cannot supply custom or amountPerItem. You should also supply the dispatched flag: In January 2022 you will be _required_ to supply the dispatched flag in this case. If you supply custom and amountPerItem then you cannot supply a line item ID, reason or dispatched flag.
- ReturnShipmentCreateMutationInputAutogenerated input type of ReturnShipmentCreateMutation
- ReturnShipmentUpdateMutationInputAutogenerated input type of ReturnShipmentUpdateMutation
- SellerInputAttributes for creating a seller.
- SellerSearchInputSeller search arguments for building an ElasticSearch query.
- SellerUpdateInputAttributes for updating a seller.
- TaxonCreateOrUpdateMutationInputAutogenerated input type of TaxonCreateOrUpdateMutation
- TranslationInputThe YAML path and param values for a given translation.
- VariantInputnull