
Site country information

link GraphQL Schema definition

  • type SiteCountry {
  • # Two-letter UPPERCASE country code, e.g. "DE"
  • code: String!
  • # Currency code, e.g. "AUD"
  • currencyCode: String!
  • id: ID!
  • # Country name, e.g. "Germany"
  • name: String!
  • # Country name in its native locale (if exists), e.g. "Deutschland"
  • nameInLocale: String
  • # URL of the current vertical's site in this country (if exists)
  • siteUrl: String
  • # Returns if marketplace is tax inclusive or not
  • taxInclusive: Boolean!
  • taxRate: Float!
  • # True if commission is taxable for this country
  • taxableCommission: Boolean!
  • }