
Attributes for creating or updating a CustomField

link GraphQL Schema definition

  • input CustomFieldInput {
  • # ID of the associated CustomFieldGroup
  • customFieldGroupId: ID!
  • # Name for the CustomField
  • name: String!
  • # Description for the CustomField
  • description: String
  • # Placeholder for the CustomField
  • placeholder: String
  • # Expected data type for the CustomField. NOTE: this field is set when the
  • # CustomField is created and can't be updated.
  • fieldType: CustomFieldFieldTypeEnum!
  • # Determines whether a CustomField is required or optional.
  • #
  • # A CustomField can be set to optional (required: false) or required (required:
  • # true). Consider if you need to make a field required.
  • #
  • # Setting a field to required can cause integration issues (potentially causing
  • # breaking changes), and increase the chance of validation errors.
  • #
  • # Once a CustomField is set to optional it cannot be changed to required; but you
  • # can change it from required to optional.
  • required: Boolean
  • # Default value for the CustomField
  • defaultValue: String
  • }