Line items associated with an invoice amendment.
link GraphQL Schema definition
- type InvoiceAmendmentLineItem implements Node {
- # The amount (per item) that this line item is adding to the amendment.
- # Denominated in cents.
- Int! :
- # The amount (per item) that this line item is adding to the amendment. In string
- # with currency symbol.
- #
- # Arguments
- # currency: Currency in which to display money fields. Defaults
- # to the currency of the marketplace's home country.
- String): String! ( :
- # The value of the commission of this line item. Denominated in cents.
- Int :
- # The value of the commission of this line item. In string with currency symbol.
- #
- # Arguments
- # currency: Currency in which to display money fields. Defaults
- # to the currency of the marketplace's home country.
- String): String ( :
- # The value of the tax on the commissionAmount. Denominated in cents.
- Int :
- # The value of the tax on the commissionAmount. In string with currency symbol.
- #
- # Arguments
- # currency: Currency in which to display money fields. Defaults
- # to the currency of the marketplace's home country.
- String): String ( :
- # Amendment line item description where it is not amending an invoice line item.
- String :
- # Tax rate for the custom line item (for display purposes only). It defaults to
- # the Marketplace default tax rate if not provided in the refund request approve
- # mutation.
- Decimal :
- # Does this refer to dispatched or not-yet-dispatched line items?
- Boolean :
- ID! :
- # The invoice line item that is being amended.
- LineItem :
- # The value of the item/s of this line item. Denominated in cents.
- Int :
- # The value of the item/s of this line item. In string with currency symbol.
- #
- # Arguments
- # currency: Currency in which to display money fields. Defaults
- # to the currency of the marketplace's home country.
- String): String ( :
- # The value of the tax on the lineItemAmount. Denominated in cents.
- Int :
- # The value of the tax on the lineItemAmount. In string with currency symbol.
- #
- # Arguments
- # currency: Currency in which to display money fields. Defaults
- # to the currency of the marketplace's home country.
- String): String ( :
- Int! :
- # The value of the remittance of this line item. Denominated in cents.
- Int :
- # The value of the remittance of this line item. In string with currency symbol.
- #
- # Arguments
- # currency: Currency in which to display money fields. Defaults
- # to the currency of the marketplace's home country.
- String): String ( :
- # The value of the tax on the remittanceAmount. Denominated in cents.
- Int :
- # The value of the tax on the remittanceAmount. In string with currency symbol.
- #
- # Arguments
- # currency: Currency in which to display money fields. Defaults
- # to the currency of the marketplace's home country.
- String): String ( :
- # Status of the invoice amendment line item
- InvoiceAmendmentLineItemStatusEnum! :
- # Tax on the line item. Denominated in cents.
- Int :
- # Tax on the line item. In string with currency symbol.
- #
- # Arguments
- # currency: Currency in which to display money fields. Defaults
- # to the currency of the marketplace's home country.
- String): String ( :
- # Line item tax rate
- Float :
- # The total that this line item is adding to the amendment. Denominated in cents.
- Int! :
- # The total that this line item is adding to the amendment. In string with
- # currency symbol.
- #
- # Arguments
- # currency: Currency in which to display money fields. Defaults
- # to the currency of the marketplace's home country.
- String): String! ( :
- }