
Retailer or private seller.

link GraphQL Schema definition

  • type Seller implements Node {
  • # Used to identify the Seller from an Account Management perspective
  • accountCode: String
  • # The bank's account name for direct debit. Only accessible to users:
  • # admin_authorized, seller_authorized.
  • accountName: String
  • # The bank's account number for direct debit. Only accessible to users:
  • # admin_authorized, seller_authorized.
  • accountNumber: String
  • # Account type of the Seller
  • accountType: String
  • address: Address
  • # True if product vetting is enabled for the seller.
  • advertVettingRequired: Boolean!
  • # Count of adverts belonging to the seller Only accessible to users:
  • # admin_authorized, seller_authorized.
  • advertsCount: Int!
  • # True if API access is enabled for this seller.
  • apiEnabled: Boolean
  • # Base Commission Level. Note: this is only visible when an API Key is provided,
  • # and excludes options like category based commissions. Only accessible to users:
  • # admin_visible.
  • baseCommissionRate: Float
  • # Domestic shipping cost applied at the Seller level
  • baseDomesticShippingCost: Float!
  • # International shipping cost applied at the Seller level
  • baseInternationalShippingCost: Float!
  • # Bank State Branch for direct debit. Only accessible to users: admin_authorized,
  • # seller_authorized.
  • bsb: String
  • # The seller's trading name.
  • businessName: String!
  • # National business identification number (e.g. ABN in Australia).
  • businessNumber: String!
  • # Store Policies - Click and Collect Policy
  • clickAndCollectPolicy: String
  • # only accessible to the seller Only accessible to users: admin_authorized,
  • # seller_authorized.
  • createdAt: ISO8601DateTime
  • # Customised fields for the seller. Only accessible to users: admin_authorized,
  • # seller_authorized.
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # after: Returns the elements in the list that come after the
  • # specified cursor.
  • # before: Returns the elements in the list that come before the
  • # specified cursor.
  • # first: Returns the first _n_ elements from the list.
  • # last: Returns the last _n_ elements from the list.
  • customFieldGroups(
  • after: String,
  • before: String,
  • first: Int,
  • last: Int
  • ): EntityCustomFieldGroupConnection
  • # Store Policies - Shipping and Delivery Policy
  • deliveryDetails: String
  • # Orders over this threshold value will qualify for free shipping
  • domesticShippingFreeThreshold: Float
  • emailAddress: String!
  • # only accessible to the seller Only accessible to users: admin_authorized,
  • # seller_authorized.
  • emailCc: String
  • # True if advert auto mapping is enabled for the seller Only accessible to users:
  • # admin_authorized, seller_authorized.
  • enableAdvertAutoMapping: Boolean!
  • # True if wholesale and rrp pricing are enabled for the seller
  • enableWholesalePricing: Boolean!
  • # True if wholesale pricing promo is enabled for the seller
  • enableWholesalePricingPromo: Boolean!
  • # True if seller is allowed to mark variants as wholesale Only accessible to
  • # users: admin_authorized, seller_authorized. And admin users with permissions:
  • # 'Manage product catalog', 'Full GraphQL API access'.
  • enableWholesaleProduct: Boolean!
  • externalIds: [ExternalID!]!
  • # This field identifies sellers that have a stored payment method Only accessible
  • # to users: admin_authorized, seller_authorized.
  • hasStoredPaymentMethod: Boolean!
  • # True if seller has unpaid billings Only accessible to users: admin_authorized,
  • # seller_authorized.
  • hasUnpaidBillings: Boolean!
  • # True if commission invoice should be hidden for the seller Only accessible to
  • # users: admin_authorized, seller_authorized.
  • hideCommissionInvoice: Boolean!
  • id: ID!
  • # Image gallery data for the shop page
  • imageGallery: ImageGallery!
  • # True if seller is allowed to initiate refunds Only accessible to users:
  • # admin_authorized, seller_authorized.
  • initiateRefundsEnabled: Boolean
  • # True if Integrations manager is enabled for this seller
  • integrationsManagerEnabled: Boolean
  • # Seller authenticated absolute url for the integration manager auth path Only
  • # accessible to users: admin_authorized, seller_authorized.
  • integrationsManagerFullUrl: String
  • # Seller authenticated relative url for the integration manager auth path Only
  • # accessible to users: admin_authorized, seller_authorized.
  • integrationsManagerUrl: String
  • # True if seller enabled international shipping
  • internationalShippingEnabled: Boolean!
  • # Orders over this threshold value will qualify for free international shipping
  • internationalShippingFreeThreshold: Float
  • # Maximum number of days allowed for dispatching an invoice. If the value is nil,
  • # the system will use the operator setting to measure SLA. Only accessible to
  • # users: admin_authorized, seller_authorized.
  • invoiceDispatchDaysThreshold: Int
  • # True if seller is billable Only accessible to users: admin_authorized,
  • # seller_authorized.
  • isBillable: Boolean!
  • # True if the seller is a private store
  • isPrivate: Boolean!
  • # True if the seller is a retailer
  • isRetailer: Boolean!
  • # Last stored payment method used by the seller
  • lastStoredPaymentMethod: StoredPaymentMethod
  • # The id used to identify the seller.
  • legacyId: Int!
  • # only accessible to the seller Only accessible to users: admin_authorized,
  • # seller_authorized.
  • legalBusinessName: String!
  • # The company logo for the seller.
  • logo: Image
  • # The company logo url for the seller.
  • logoUrl: String @deprecated( reason: "Deprecated as of March 2023. Use logo instead" )
  • # True if customisable storefront is enabled for the seller
  • mStoreEnabled: Boolean!
  • # Url for the seller contact page
  • mailToUrl: String!
  • managedMultiStore: MultiStore
  • marketplaceShippingRulesEnabled: Boolean!
  • # Collection of all Marketplacer API keys belonging to the seller
  • marketplacerApiKeys: [MarketplacerAPIKey!]!
  • # Metadata key/values
  • metadata: [Metadatum!]!
  • # Pending remittance process as missing Hyperwallet details Only accessible to
  • # users: admin_authorized, seller_authorized.
  • missingHyperwalletDetails: Boolean!
  • # Pending remittance process because of missing remittance details Only accessible
  • # to users: admin_authorized, seller_authorized.
  • missingRemittanceDetails: Boolean!
  • # Pending remittance process due to missing Xero account Only accessible to users:
  • # admin_authorized, seller_authorized.
  • missingXeroAccount: Boolean!
  • # only accessible to the seller Only accessible to users: admin_authorized,
  • # seller_authorized.
  • mobile: String
  • # True if the seller is the parent of multiple stores
  • multiStoreParent: Boolean!
  • # The phone number of the seller, obscured
  • obscuredPhone: String
  • # Shows if seller is online
  • online: Boolean!
  • # True if the seller is online only
  • onlineOnly: Boolean!
  • openingHours: String
  • # Payment method for the seller Only accessible to users: admin_authorized,
  • # seller_authorized.
  • paymentMethod: String
  • # Pending remittance process because of Hyperwallet verification status Only
  • # accessible to users: admin_authorized, seller_authorized.
  • pendingHyperwalletVerification: Boolean!
  • # The phone number of the seller
  • phone: String!
  • policies: SellerPolicies!
  • # only accessible to the seller Only accessible to users: admin_authorized,
  • # seller_authorized.
  • posType: String
  • # only accessible to the seller Only accessible to users: admin_authorized,
  • # seller_authorized.
  • primaryUser: User
  • # True if product limits are enabled for the seller Only accessible to users:
  • # admin_authorized, seller_authorized.
  • productLimitsEnabled: Boolean
  • rating: SellerRating
  • # True if allow order cancellations is enabled for this seller Only accessible to
  • # users: admin_authorized, seller_authorized.
  • refundRequestAllowed: Boolean
  • # only accessible to the seller Only accessible to users: admin_authorized,
  • # seller_authorized.
  • registeredForTax: Boolean!
  • # The bank's account name for remittance. Only accessible to users:
  • # admin_authorized, seller_authorized.
  • remittanceAccountName: String
  • # The bank's account number for remittance. Only accessible to users:
  • # admin_authorized, seller_authorized.
  • remittanceAccountNumber: String
  • # Bank State Branch for remittance. Only accessible to users: admin_authorized,
  • # seller_authorized.
  • remittanceBsb: String
  • # This field identifies sellers that require payment details for billing Only
  • # accessible to users: admin_authorized, seller_authorized.
  • requiresPaymentDetailsForBilling: Boolean!
  • # Retailer Access Config details for Sellers
  • retailerAccessConfig: RetailerAccessConfig
  • # Store Policies - Exchange Policy
  • returnPolicy: String
  • # True if the seller is contactable
  • sellerIsContactable: Boolean!
  • # Rating associated to the seller by admin Only accessible to users:
  • # admin_authorized, admin_visible.
  • sellerRating: String
  • # Store Policies - Customer Service Policy
  • servicePolicy: String
  • # Addresses for invoices to be shipped from. Only accessible to the seller Only
  • # accessible to users: admin_authorized, seller_authorized.
  • shipmentAddresses: [Address!]
  • # Path to a retailer-specific advert search results page that only shows adverts
  • # from the given seller.
  • shopAdvertSearchPath: String
  • # True if we can display the image gallery
  • showImageGallery: Boolean!
  • # True if we can show the phone number of the seller
  • showPhoneNumber: Boolean!
  • # Seller SLA rating value based on recent performance
  • slaRating: Float
  • # Only applies to professional retailer accounts.
  • storeCategory: String
  • storeDescription: String
  • # The store description html for the seller.
  • storeDescriptionHtml: String!
  • storeImages: [Image!]!
  • # SEO content html for the seller
  • storeSeoContentHtml: String!
  • # only accessible to the seller Only accessible to users: admin_authorized,
  • # seller_authorized.
  • tags: [String!]
  • # True if seller is required to add a tracking number on a line item. Only
  • # accessible to users: admin_authorized, seller_authorized.
  • trackingInformationRequiredForBulkDispatch: Boolean
  • # The category with which the Seller is associated
  • trade: String
  • # Text below will appear on all ads
  • underAdDescription: String
  • # Your store details to include with all ads
  • underAdImpressum: String
  • updatedAt: ISO8601DateTime!
  • # only accessible to the seller Only accessible to users: admin_authorized,
  • # seller_authorized.
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # after: Returns the elements in the list that come after the
  • # specified cursor.
  • # before: Returns the elements in the list that come before the
  • # specified cursor.
  • # first: Returns the first _n_ elements from the list.
  • # last: Returns the last _n_ elements from the list.
  • users(after: String, before: String, first: Int, last: Int): UserConnection!
  • # Store Video (retailer page)
  • youtubeVideoUrl: String
  • # Pending remittance process because of zero or negative total remittance amount
  • # Only accessible to users: admin_authorized, seller_authorized.
  • zeroOrNegativeTotalRemittanceAmount: Boolean!
  • }

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