
Attributes for creating or updating an order

link GraphQL Schema definition

  • input OrderInput {
  • # The buyer's shipping address for an order.
  • address: AddressInput
  • # The buyer's billing address. If this is left blank, it will default to the
  • # shipping address.
  • billingAddress: AddressInput
  • # Name of the company making the order for the purposes of billing if applicable.
  • # If this is left blank, it will default to the company name attribute.
  • billingCompanyName: String
  • # The buyer's email address for the purposes of billing. If this is left blank, it
  • # will default to the email address attribute.
  • billingEmailAddress: String
  • # The buyer's first name for the purposes of billing. If this is left blank, it
  • # will default to the first name attribute.
  • billingFirstName: String
  • # The buyer's phone number for the purposes of billing. If this is left blank, it
  • # will default to the phone number attribute.
  • billingPhone: String
  • # The buyer's surname for the purposes of billing. If this is left blank, it will
  • # default to the surname attribute.
  • billingSurname: String
  • # The buyer's billing tax number
  • billingBusinessRegistrationCode: String
  • # The buyer's billing purchase order number
  • purchaseOrderNumber: String
  • # Name of the company making the order if applicable.
  • companyName: String
  • # The buyer's email address.
  • emailAddress: String
  • # IDs used by external systems to fetch orders.
  • externalIds: [KeyValueInput!]
  • # Payment Gateway information.
  • paymentGatewayDetails: JSON
  • # Metadata key/value pairs.
  • metadata: [KeyValueInput!]
  • # The buyer's first name.
  • firstName: String
  • # The buyer's phone number.
  • phone: String
  • # The buyer's surname.
  • surname: String
  • # Whether the user has accepted the terms and conditions. Only required if the
  • # website is configured to require it.
  • termsAndConditionsAccepted: Boolean
  • # A message that will be sent to the seller.
  • messageToSeller: String
  • # Is this order a gift order? Defaults to false.
  • isGift: Boolean
  • # A message that will be sent to the gift recipient.
  • messageToGiftRecipient: String
  • # A note that will appear on every invoice for this order.
  • notes: String
  • }