An ISO 8601-encoded datetime
link GraphQL Schema definition
- scalar ISO8601DateTime
link Require by
- AdvertAn advert
- AdvertCategorySuggestionAn advert category suggestion generated by an AI.
- AdvertFiltersAttributes for filtering adverts
- AdvertInputnull
- AdvertSearchInputAdvert search arguments for building an ElasticSearch query.
- BillingBilling record.
- BillingFiltersAttributes for filtering billings
- CartA cart object just waiting to transform into an order.
- CatalogRuleCatalog rule
- ChangeLogLog for record changes.
- CommissionPackageCommission package holding commission rates for all taxons (or categories)
- CommissionPackageSchedulenull
- CommissionPackageVersionChange log of commission packages
- CommissionPackageVersionLogChange log of commission packages belonging a retailer
- ContextualHistorynull
- CustomCommissionRateCustom commission rate belonging to a taxon (or category) within a commission package
- DateRangeInputSpecify desired date ranges.
- DeletedAdvertA deleted advert
- DeletedSellerA deleted seller
- GoldenProductA golden product record.
- GoldenProductVariantA variant under the golden product record.
- ImportExportnull
- InvoiceInvoice items associated with an order.
- InvoiceAmendmentAmendments to an invoice.
- InvoiceAmendmentFiltersAttributes for filtering invoices
- InvoiceAnnotationAnnotation on an invoice.
- InvoiceAnnotationTypeA type of invoice annotation.
- InvoiceFiltersAttributes for filtering invoices
- MarketplacerAPIKeyMarketplacer API key info
- MeasurementUnitMeasurement unit
- MetadatumMetadata key value tuples
- OrderA cart that has turned into an immutable order.
- PromotionA promotion, sale, or special discount.
- PromotionInputnull
- QueryRoot queries that don't modify database records.
- RefundRequestRefund requests associated with an invoice
- RefundRequestFiltersAttributes for filtering refund requests
- RefundRequestNoteNote on a refund request
- RemittanceRemittance for invoice or invoice amendment
- RemittanceActionRemittance action
- RemittanceAdviceRemittance advice
- RemittanceAdviceUpdateMutationInputAutogenerated input type of RemittanceAdviceUpdateMutation
- RemittanceEventRemittance event
- ReturnShipmentShipment tracking information.
- SellerRetailer or private seller.
- SellerSearchInputSeller search arguments for building an ElasticSearch query.
- ShipmentShipment tracking information.
- ShipmentStatusShipment status log.
- ShipmentUpdateMutationInputAutogenerated input type of ShipmentUpdateMutation
- ShippingOptionA shipping rule that might apply to a certain variant
- ShippingOptionFiltersAttributes for filtering shipping options
- SubscriptionEmail marketing subscription info
- UnpublishedAdvertAn unpublished advert
- UserProperties of the currently logged in User
- VariantA unique option type/option value combination that represents a variation of a purchasable item.
- VariantInputnull
- WebhookEventReturns the webhooks event linked to a webhook.
- WebhookEventResponseReturns the webhooks event response linked to marketplacer events.