Represents untyped JSON
link GraphQL Schema definition
- scalar JSON
link Require by
- AddCartItemInputArguments for finding variants and adding them to a cart.
- AdyenResponseAdyen response
- CartAddCartItemMutationInputAutogenerated input type of CartAddCartItemMutation
- CartAddItemMutationInputAutogenerated input type of CartAddItemMutation
- ChangeLogLog for record changes.
- ContextualHistorynull
- CustomFieldValueInputAttributes for creating or updating a CustomFieldValues
- EntityCustomFieldCustom Fields can be created to hold categories of data not otherwise available in the standard schema. Custom Fields must not be used to store Personally Identifiable Information (PII).
- GlobalSearchResultMixed search result records belonging to retailer
- OrderA cart that has turned into an immutable order.
- OrderInputAttributes for creating or updating an order
- OrderUpdateMutationInputAutogenerated input type of OrderUpdateMutation
- PaymentProviderInputProperties from a payment provider.
- SellerAdyenBillingPaymentMethodUpdateMutationInputAutogenerated input type of SellerAdyenBillingPaymentMethodUpdateMutation
- SizeMatrixnull
- WebhookReturns the webhooks linked to marketplacer events.
- WebhookCreateInputAttributes for creating a webhook.
- WebhookEventReturns the webhooks event linked to a webhook.
- WebhookEventResponseReturns the webhooks event response linked to marketplacer events.
- WebhookInputWebhook Attributes.