A decimal value, transported as a string. (Allows large accurate numbers)
link GraphQL Schema definition
- scalar Decimal
link Require by
- AdvertAn advert
- AdvertInputnull
- BillingBilling record.
- CommissionPackageCommission package holding commission rates for all taxons (or categories)
- CustomCommissionRateCustom commission rate belonging to a taxon (or category) within a commission package
- GoldenProductA golden product record.
- GoldenProductInputnull
- GoldenProductUpdateInputnull
- GoldenProductVariantA variant under the golden product record.
- GoldenProductVariantInputnull
- GoldenProductVariantUpdateInputnull
- InvoiceAmendmentLineItemLine items associated with an invoice amendment.
- LineItemLine items associated with a cart or order.
- MoneyA monetary value with currency
- PriceBreakdownInputnull
- RefundRequestCustomLineItemApproveInputnull
- SellerUpdateInputAttributes for updating a seller.
- ShippingRateInputnull
- VariantA unique option type/option value combination that represents a variation of a purchasable item.
- VariantInputnull